Chapter 8

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Ruby and the others quickly got off the dirigible as soon as it landed. Ruby and Ardeth ran off to the Train that was just sitting on the tracks in front of the temple.

They checked each ,holding area, their guns aimed and ready to shoot. Ruby had checked the last cart but all that was in it was an hourglass, sitting on a table. Ardeth jumped out the cart a few feet ahead and yelled to her.

"They're gone! We lost them!" He called out to her and Ruby looked at him, her heart lurching in her chest.


Evie walked in the temple, looking around everything in case her son was there. She turned around and another area of the temple and paused as she saw her son's tie hanging on the edge of a rock.

"Ruby!" She called out urgently, as she ran towards the tie, snatching it off before looking down slowly

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"Ruby!" She called out urgently, as she ran towards the tie, snatching it off before looking down slowly. Ruby and Ardeth quickly came to her side and Evie held out her hand, showing Ruby his tie as they came to a stop by her. "Alex left us his tie..." Evie said as the three of them bent down and looked at the little structure made out of sand. "And he made us a little sand castle. It's the temple island of Philae. They've gone to Philae." She told them as she recognized the place.

"That's a good boy Alex! Come on!" Ruby said and they quickly ran back to the balloon and took off.

Ardeth sent a message to the commanders through Horus. When they got to the island, they saw that Alex had left another clue when they got to the island temple. This time he left his jacket.

"The great temple of Ablisinbel." Evie said  to them describing a structure of faces carved into a rock formation and Ardeth continued to send messages through Horus to the other Medjai as they followed them on the ground.


They had one more destination before they reached the Oasis and the bracelet had showed Alex that. He had hoped his mothers found his clues and were close to finding him. He didn't want to end up going to that place alone, they wouldn't need him after they reached there and would dispose of him. If the bracelet didn't get him first.

They had to trek across the desert on camels to get to the last place and they gave Alex a book to read as he rode on his camel to keep him from being annoying.

Lock-na heard a bird's call above them and looked up to see a small white falcon and eyed it suspiciously. He knew Ardeth had one for a pet. Ardeth . He couldn't stand that, self entitled Medjai. Always sprouting how they had to protect the world from evil , like Imhotep. It's why he left the tribe years ago and found Hafez. He didn't believe in all that stuff. And now that he had been around Imhotep he didn't think all those years of fighting people off was worth it. Now he relished in doing evil than fighting it.


Ruby and Evie stood by the railing as they looked down at the clear blue water below them as They were riding through some canyons.

"That's the Blue Nile river down there. We must be out of Egypt by now."
Ruby said as she looked around.

"In ancient Times all this still belong to the upper kingdom. The Oasis must be around here somewhere." Evie said worried and Ruby laced her fingers with hers.

"Don't worry Evie we'll find him. He's a smart kid. He'll leave us a sign." Ruby reassured her.


"Surprised to see me!" Lock-na said as he had stepped on the figure that Alex was making in the sand. Alex looked up shocked before the man picked him up under his arms and shook him.
"Leaving breadcrumbs behind huh!" Lock-na growled out at him and Alex grunted in the tall mans grip as he shook him roughly.

"Lock-na put the boy down." Imhotep told him and both of them looked at Imhotep as he was waist deep in the lake water.

Puzzled , Lock-na set him to his feet and Alex looked at him as Imhotep spoke. "I hope your parents enjoyed their journey so far." He said and they watched as he spread his arms wide, and with a roar he lifted them and the water rose up over 30 feet in the air causing everyone to jump back in shock.

Then with a thrust of his arms the water started moving through the caverns , traveling towards his parents.


Everyone on the Dirigible tensed up, looking around as they heard a rumbling sound. Ruby placed her hand on her gun as her eyes roamed around cautiously.

Izzy being at the wheel of the dirigible saw and heard it first as he gasped and turned to see a huge wall of water rushing towards them. "We're in trouble!" He yelled out to the others and they all turned to see the water fast approaching them.

The water stopped a few feet from them and a face formed out of the water and looked at them and grinned an evil smile.

"Horus! Fly!" Ardeth told the bird and it took off.

Ruby watched the bird fly in between the some of the canyons to their right and she yelled out to Izzy.

"Izzy! Go right and hurry!"she ordered. Izzy pushed down a lever by him and suddenly the dirigible lurched forward so quickly that Ruby along with everyone else had to hold on to the railing. They quickly headed in the direction that Ruby told him.

Just as the face roared and the wall began moving. The dirigible had used a turbo boost and the wall of water flew passed them as they dodged it by turning right. The balloon only getting splashed by the water as it missed them.

"Is there a little something you forgot to mention?" Izzy said glaring accusingly at Ruby as he clutched at the steering wheel.

When it was safe again , Ruby pulled Evie to her feet and the two shared a wide eyed look at the close call ,before looking back in the direction the water wall went.

"Uh. People." Jonathan called out , and everyone turned in the opposite direction to see a vast area of trees and green stretching before them.

They could see several water falls spread all around as they got closer , looking at the place it looked like some type of tropical paradise.

"Ahm Shere." Ardeth said with a hint of awe in his voice.

Ruby grabbed some binoculars and looked through them. In the very far distance there was a golden pyramid,and on the very top, something shiny, glimmered when the sun hit it. She pulled the binoculars down as she spotted the pyramid. "Right." She said to herself, mentally thinking of a plan.

Behind them came the rumbling sound again and they all turned to see the water wall and face coming back towards them.

"He's back!" Izzy called out and he told them to hang on as he pulled the lever again and the dirigible sped forward.

The dirigible sped away as the water chased after them and then suddenly they stopped moving and there was the sound of something like an engine going silent, like when a car runs out of gas.

Izzy widened his eyes and replied as they stood still. "Well that cant be good."

"Hang on." Ruby yelled and quickly grabbed onto Evie as they clutched on to the railing. The next minute the wall of the water hit them and the dirigible went spiraling to the vast green jungle below.

When he was done ,Imhotep stepped out of the what was left of the lake and slowly walked towards Alex.

"Mom?....Mum?" He said sadly with a down trodden expression ,hoping that his parents weren't actually dead.

Imhotep walked passed Alex and layed his hand on the top of his head in a fatherly like gesture and Alex quickly smacked it off as he watched him walk away.

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