Secrets and Motives (18+)

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Let me get one thing straight.

No, it's not me. I already confirmed that.

I am only confirming whether I should believe the words of that mad man. When I first looked at Moon Jo, I felt something. I thought that something in him is good. I have good intuition, which helped me have a better life.

This is the only reason why I am grateful for what that family had done.

For some reason, I believed in the old lady. She told me that someday, I might see my soul mate who shares his body with another soul. But right now, that is not needed. I need to carry out my plan straight away.

I checked the walls if there were holes.

There were none. Good.

I checked some blind spots in the bathroom and the bedroom. Instead of finding holes, I saw mini CCTVs. Moon Jo might have suspicions about me, so maybe he needs to see what I do and plan to do. But that doesn't mean he is not to be considered a pervert.

I was about to plan how to know if the walls are thin when suddenly I heard a click.

It was thin. The hotel might look pretty, but I guess the materials that were used were cheap. By that sound, I assume that he only just got to his room and maybe looked at the monitor.


I then grabbed my sleepwear and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After that, I wore the revealing nightgown and sat by the side of the bed.

I then checked what the book that Jong-Woo gave me. The first few pages were all about the book he was writing while the rest was... Questioning. He looks like he was on the brink of losing his sanity.

It was pouring hard on that day. I was about to go to my station but stopped to see who was squatting in a pig's pen. The man turned around because of the sound of my footsteps that had an echo because of the puddle. He was my senior. But, he doesn't look like before. His face looked gaunt, and his eyes were bloodshot. The stoic face that I grew to hate made me felt fear. For the first time in my whole life, I saw my father on someone's face. I felt shivers ran down my spine as I realized that I was moving forward.

I called out his name. He did look at me. But the only response I got was he gave me the specific thing that my father gave me whenever I get to trouble.

A dead dog.

...I knew it. Before Jong-Woo came here, he already lost his mind. He was already starting to change the more he sees or remembers that man.

I was deep in thoughts when I suddenly heard a knock.

"Who is it?"

"It's Moon Jo."

"Ah. Wait a minute."

I got up and fixed my ponytail. I then opened the door without shame.

When you know you worked hard to have this kind of body, you have a right to flaunt it. And besides, it's someone's fault that they sexually look at someone's body.

"Yes? How can I help you?"

He looked at me dead in the eyes and looked away while clearing his throat.

"I just wanted to know if you're going to do something this week?"


"I might borrow your time..."

"For what? While thinking of what you will say, please look at me. Looking at people while having a conversation is a sign of respect."

"I'm sorry."

He looked at me, dead in the eyes. His eyes turned brown. He looked me up and down and saw his eyes turned to jet black. He quickly looked away. Interesting.

"Well, I'm not going to do anything tomorrow. If you want to ask me out to know me, might as well introduce me to some good spots to hang out."

"Ah... I see..."

He looked down. As if he checked me out. He then looked back up and saw me staring at him.

"I'm- I'm sorry! I-"

"What's wrong with seeing an almost naked body?"

"I saw your body-"

"It's fine. It's just a body, anyway. You also have one. If we're done talking, I need to excuse myself and get some rest. I had quite a ride."

"Ah, yes. I hope you get a good rest."

"Thank you. You too."

I closed the door and went to my bedroom.

I laid down on the bed and sighed loudly. For the first time in my whole 30 years of living...

I felt small in someone's eyes. I felt my body burning as if it was begging to be touched.

As poetic as it sounds, all it means is that I'm horny.

...Moon Jo is something else.

[3rd ]


Five minutes before, he was breathing like a normal and sane person. But after he saw her wearing that kind of clothing... Thoughts filled his mind. He felt filthy and want to apologize to Y/N for seeing her that way.

Her (s/c), smooth skin, and fiery eyes made him feel burning whenever she gazes at him... He wanted to stop these thoughts because the woman is that man's sister. She might have come here for revenge. She might have come here to finish what Jong-Woo started.

As much as sounds insane, a part of him was glad that Jong-Woo came here to do that. And because of him, he gets to see her.

"Ah- Fuck!- Ja-jagiya~."

He groaned while he released. He was breathing heavily and was biting his lips to stop himself from making noises. While he was gaining his composure, he was staring at his torso and hand covered with his cum.

He was confused. Everything happened so fast. He was trying to be friends with her, and suddenly he is thinking of her in a way that makes his mind go wild.

While he was gaining his composure, the other soul was there, face-palming how ridiculous the man is.

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