New Life

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"I know that I will have a soul mate, but are you sure I deserved one?"

"Yes. Now listen to me. This will be your new life as a Grim Reaper."









The couple lives happily ever after, just like how Moon Jo wanted. He would often visit Dong-Wook as he promised and sometimes he would tease Dong-Wook on how excited and happy he is whenever he tells his new life with his wife. He enjoyed watching their love grow and how happy the longer they are together. He has to admit that sometimes he gets jealous. 

Not because Dong Wook has someone he can lean on, but he was able to feel happiness and love. But then again, Y/N told him that he deserves that too and the Almighty said that someone would enter his life... So he needs to be patient.

"But for now, I need to be patient with these people."

He really wants to lash out right now.

A man whose soul is a "kid" is crying while laying down on the floor.

"I'm not dead! I'm not dead!"

"Then why do people think you are?"

He pointed at the man's body who is on the road and is surrounded by people who are staring at him with pity. He watched the man pout and slowly break into a sob.

...Gods damn it, he thought.

"Excuse me."

The two looked at the woman who is kneeling beside the man.

"I'm sorry for shocking you like this. But please do understand that-"

"I have a lot of dreams to achieve! I need-"

"What do you think about the Reapers? Are they good or bad?"

"They're bad! They are the one who kills people!"

"They are not bad guys, Ha-Joon-ah. They are people who are tasked to take care and lead the souls to the afterlife. And you know what?"


"You have 3 more chances."


"Yeah! When you let him take you to the afterlife, he will give you a cup of tea to drink so that you would feel relax and feel warm."

The woman has long, black, silky hair, helped Ha-Joon to sit properly.

"And once you are able to drink the tea, you could go somewhere where you could chase your dreams and make them come true! How about that?"

"Are you saying the truth, Noona?"

"Of course! I'm friends with them. Isn't that right, Mr. Moon Jo?"

He was shocked to hear his name on her lips. But what made it weird is that his heart started to beat loudly.

"Yes. Of course."

"Then Ha-Joon... Would you mind being accompanied by Mr. Moon Jo? He's a nice man, so don't worry."

"O-Okay... Would I meet you one day, Noona?"

"Of course. For now, go with him so that you could start another journey."


They both stood up and the woman helped Ha-Joon to dust off the dirt. After that, the man waved goodbye to the woman and went with Moon Jo.

While walking, he can't help but think about the woman. Who was she and how can she see them?


To be honest, Moon Jo thought that it was ridiculous to see that a man older than him kept addressing him as Hyung. 

As expected of a child spirit, he thought.


"What's Noona's name?"

... There's only one name he could think of.


"That's a nice name."

"It is."

He can't stop thinking about that name. Maybe...

Nope. Not in the million years a girl like her can be with him. She deserves someone better.


He went back to his house after he was done with his tasks. He felt something was waiting in his room. He figures that could only be one person...


She smiled at him. She stared at him with a small smile for a while. He wanted to ask her what was it, but suddenly the smile turned into a catlike grin.

"I see you've met your soul mate."

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