Chapter 13

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"What do you mean by missing?" a towering figure questioned. His eyes were lizard-like and a cold hue even without the kakugan active and the fact he dwarfed Ren made things even worst.

"He was hungry and he ran off to find something," the blue green haired individual spoke boldly to the giant before him. Yamori was a mysterious creature on that most of Aogiri really did not know about and did not want to know about.' Damn he's not buying this bullshit is he. I do have the bloody suit jacket hiding a few blocks away,' Ren thought as Yamori gave an impatient look forward.

"That is ridiculous none of your Ward's Doves have the strength to take down an S-Class Ghoul," the blonde beast commented coldly eyes glaring forward as the stunned other Three Blade's members flinched in the background. Ren did not flinch he could not in the face of the Thirteenth Wards monster Ghoul.

"What about a hungry S-Class Ghoul? One responsible for hospitalizing one Dove and killing another? Or the fact that he was our executioner and he killed some rather respected Ghouls in our name," Ren shot back with a slightly quiz in his words. Yamori looked down at him with even more intrigue, a Ghoul that was willing to kill other Ghouls with an order was interesting.

"Then show me where he was last seen understand?" a crack came from the giant's left hand. His thumb pressed against his index finger popping it almost sickeningly, Ren straightened at the sound.

"Yes sir," he bowed humbly takin a glance at a female Ghoul with black hair in the periphery of the room. He bobbed his head up hiding a nod and she nodded back, Yamori failed to notice or care.' Nu, I have the feeling I won't be back. Take care of Yattori,' what he told his girlfriend last night echoed around in his head as they left.

A few minutes later...

"Get up Yato he didn't hit you that hard," the same black haired Ghoul was leaning down next to him with a plate of something that definitely was not livestock. The blonde did not even budge he was still sleeping away on the ground. Nori had told her everything about the prior nights events she did not know that Ren would have to lead Yamori in to see Miza though, which was why she lacked a mask.

Yamori thudded with every step behind Ren. He was following the path he had marked out the prior night before meeting the slasher-like Ghoul from the Thirteenth. Left, right, across, all pre-planned but still nerve racking when a behemoth was following your every step.' Man, I didn't realize how close I actually left it to Yato. If Jason gets a whiff this could be really bad,' he realized as they passed by the warehouse, he knew it was still holding an unconscious Yato.

"Well where is it? I do not have all day," he grumbled as they took a right at the next intersection. More warehouse all lined with blood and rats were where many Ghouls had come to dine or die depending on who they were chasing. Ren kept calm and kept waling towards a separation of shipping crate that was a dead end. In a giant cut in one of the crates a bloody suit jacket with a piercing hole through the chest.

"Apparently here. He must have doubled back from where I last saw him," Ren said somberly as they walked towards the cut open shipping crate. Ren had done a good job fixing up the scene two, kicking dents in some of the crates leaving scratches in the concrete, smearing human blood along an opposing crate with his left hand making it run away.

"He was wearing that jacket?" Yamori walked over and tore the cotton jacket from the blade cut case. Blood had run down the inside of the crate and had fully soaked the jacket. It still squished when he clutched it a rapidly congealing paste of blood running from it. Teeth were bared by the towering figure his hand punched the jacket through the top of another crate.

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