A mother's pain

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- Izuku's POV -

My legs were moving alone, I was running

Mom, please help me

The watery blood was now pouring down my neck, slowly staining my uniform

I was soon standing in front of my apartment's door

I signed

Please be home

- No one's POV -

The door was slammed open, making Inko, who was in the kitchen, flinch

She was making Katsudon for dinner, her son's favourite dish

"Mom... "

She signed in relief knowing it was only her son

She took a dish clothe to dry her hands, putting down the knife she was using and turning around

"Hey swee-"

She stopped talking once she saw her son's bleeding head and crying face, letting the dish clothe drop on the ground

Her hands subconsciously went up to her mouth, tearing up


As she said his name, the green headed boy let his stuff fall, crying harder

"M-mom..!" He cried out, rubbing his eyes, scratching his cheeks

Inko slowly started walking towards him, ending up running and hugging him
Izuku hugged back, now crying on her shoulder

His blood was now staining Inko's clothes as she squeezed her son against her chest

"What happened..? Who... Who did this..?" She quietly said, not letting her son go

"I-I tri-triped-" He cried, not being able to finish his sentence

Inko slowly broke the hug, now looking at her son's crying eyes, waiting for him to finish his sentence

Seeing him, her own son, like this broke her heart
She knew it wasn't a simple accident and it pained her

How could someone in their right mindset do this to a 10 years old boy? Who? Why?

"Stay here sweetie, I'll be back..." She softly said as she wiped a tear from Izuku's cheek

- Inko's POV -

I walked to the bathroom, searching in one of the drawers for bandages, something to disinfect Izuku's wound, cottons and some kind of clips

Surprisingly, I found just few bandages

Huh? Didn't we have more? Strange... I could've sworn we had at least twice as more as now

I took what I need and headed back to the living room

Izuku's was sitting there, on the couch, a bleeding head and a tear stained face
He had some blood on the collar of his uniform too

I signed
It breaked my heart...

I mean, imagine your child coming home not only crying but also an open wound on the head..?
Every mom would suffer at the sight. At least any normal one

I slowly walked up to Izuku, sitting right next to him while grabbing his chin, turning him to face me

I quickly took a cotton with some disinfectant and started to clean his wound

- No one's POV -

As the cotton reached Izuku's open wound, he flinched making Inko stop for a few seconds before continuing what she was doing

When she finished cleaning up what she could, Inko took the bandages and started wrapping them around Izuku's surprisingly small head. Once this done, she took some clips to secure them in place. Cupping his face with both of her hands, Inko opened her mouth before shutting it and thinking what she could tell him, without passing her sadness and worry onto him

"Hey Izu..? Why don't you go change and maybe take a shower while I finish cooking? Then we can talk about today, ok?" Inko said with the softest voice she could get, kissing her son's left cheek while softly rubbing under his right eye with her thumb

"Ok" Izuku replied, in a monotone voice, before standing up and heading to the bathroom

As he left her sight, Inko signed, getting up and heading to the kitchen

Once she was in front of the cutting table, she took the knife to continue cutting the onion but soon stopped as her hand was trembling

Tears started pouring down her cheeks and on the cutting table, her vision blurring and her knees slowly giving in 

She put the knife down once again but this time falling to the ground, her left hand gripping as tight as she could on the kitchen counter while her right one was sliding down the side of it, soon going up her chest and squeezing her clothes

Whimpers and sniffles were now coming out of the green haired woman

And no, it wasn't because of the onion that she was crying. The tears were more on the pained and desperate side

She felt weak

At moments like this, she needed someone by her side, someone who could support Izuku and her

"H-Hisa-shi-" she cried out. "W-where could y-you ha-have gone..? I n-need you-"

No... She closed her eyes shut

"We need you"

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