...Anata Wa Naniwoshita

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I am such a weeb that title is in Japanese cause I felt like it go translate it hobos

"Come at me Shi"

The large figure know as Shi slammed his hand down Izuku was quick enough to dodge And counter with a hook to the face


Izuku is repeatedly slammed into the ground by the face

Izuku pov

He's gonna go for momo

But my face is bloody

One arm broken

And legs are shaking

(Play music now)

Normal pov

He slowly stood up

"Really your gonna be like that?"

His eyes blackened to darkness as a carving appeared on his right eye

He looked up to the sky and said

"This isn't enough"

As he said that the sun shined brighter than it ever had

His hair started glowing as it went a shiny orange flailing in the sky with golden burning sparks flicking off

A faint figure was behind Izuku a Massive towering figure copying his every movement it was green but after closer inspection it turned out to be A STAND?!!

(Jk that is a hint at a new story coming out tho)

He walked up to It

"What a New form weakling what will that do for yo-

Shi went tumbling towards the floor

Izuku picked up concrete from the floor and somehow moulded it into a sword the sword shined and became a grass sword changing repeatedly to different earth made marierals it stopped when it was on diamond

"A pure diamond sword ay"

It morphed into a wavy cutlass that he held up as a fire at the top began to spread.

He walked towards him holding the sword scraping the floor



Izuku looked over to see Diane

On this time frame Shi disappeared


"Izuku are you okay?"

"Yea yea just he got away"



Diane Hugged him tightly forcing his face into her boobs

"D-Diane uhh"

"I know what I'm doing ;)"


"Okay fine but hurry home their worried sick"

"Okay fine wait why didn't they come?"

"BUSY their umm busy"

"Okay then"

Izuku walked away with his hair falling down and that figure behind him fading out

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