Chapter 7

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Sex scene in this chapter!!!!

Everything is happening to fast. I don't know if I can keep up with all these punches being thrown at me. I'm trying to prove to Hope that I love her and I would do anything for her. Except Maya. Maya is Hopes fiancé and I hate her. Everyday Maya makes it a habit of grabbing Hopes ass or slapping it. And the worse part Hope doesn't care. I hate it! I just want to go up to her and kiss till the world stops spinning, but I can't because they have a separate room from the "cadets". A fist hits me in the face and I fall over.
"Pick up the pace Saltzman." Maya says holding her hand out to me. "I will say though you have improved immensely." I jump up from her yanking on my arm so hard.
"Thanks." I say trying to show I that I don't completely hate her guts.
"Maya?" Hope comes in the room with a really hot looking body suit. Maya looks at Hope and goes over to kiss her quickly, making me turn away. "I have another case and I'm gonna be gone for a week."
"Where you going?" Maya asks for me.
"It's on The Kai Parker Case."
"No! Remember what happened last time? You almost died! What happens when there's a repeat of last time and you don't come back." Died?! I'm really curious but they don't seem to notice I'm there. Hope sets her hands on the sides of her face and I start seeing red.
"I'll be okay. You knew that this would happen when you asked me to marry you. Okay? I promise I'll come back." Hope kisses her quickly then whispers something in her ear. I don't think I want to know what it is.
"Saltzman." Hope turns to me and my heart just melts when she looks at me in the eyes.
"Yes?" I say quickly.
"Come on. Get suited up you're coming with."
"Wait really?"
"Yes. Maya will help you out." Hope turns to Maya "I'll see you later." Hope then walks out and I quickly steal a glance at her butt then I turn around and hang my fighting gloves up.

"Alright. Come on. You heard the boss." She goes over and hands me a uniform and pushes me into the bathroom. I quickly get changed and Maya shows me to a plane. Hope waits on the steps and gets up while she holsters her gun. She gives me a quick once over look and my cheeks get red, fast. Maya stops Hope and starts kissing her with her arms around her neck. Hope holds onto her waist so I just get on the plane and sit down in the seat with my name on it. Hope gets on and looks at me again as the plane door closes. I notice we're the only two people on this plane except the pilot.
"Come with me." Hope touches my forearm and I immediately get up and follow her. She opens a door and I walk in, as Hope locks the door behind us.
"I see that you're still here in the program." Hope says with a small smirk leaning against the wall.
"Yeah. I told you I wouldn't give up on you." Hope walks over to me till we're inches apart.
"You know that I thought you were incredibly sexy fighting." I sit on the table as Hope puts her hands on either side of me.
"Oh really I didn't think you noticed. Considering you've been making out with Maya every time I walk into a room." Hope puts her knee between my legs making my breath hitch. She leans in closer till she whispers in my ear.
"I always notice you. I was thinking of your breasts cupped in my hands as I kiss all the down to your pussy."
I bite my lip and I know I'm already wet as her knee pushes deeper into my throbbing core. Her pointer finger starts from the hollow of my neck down the the valley of my boobs.
"I want you."
"I know. That's why you're the only one here. I want you to beg for me." She goes to walk away as I grab her wrist pulling her in till our chest are touching.
"Please, I want you inside me again." I whisper on her lips.
Hope shortens the distance with a kiss and I grab her by the collar of her suit pulling her impossibly closer. I moan as the tips of her fingers graze the inside of my shirt. She starts to unzip my suit and slowly but surely pulling it off of my body. I start to work on hers till she's only in underwear and bra.
"Jump." She says breathlessly then goes back to kissing my swollen lips. I jump wrapping my legs around her waist as she walks over to the bed and sets me down on my back. I flip us so I'm on top and I kiss down to her soft spot, causing her to lightly moan. I unclip her bra and throw it on the other side of the room and my underwear are soaked. Hope flips us and straddles my hips, I place my hand on her abs stopping her from continuing.
"What about Maya?" I ask not really sure what her answer will be. She just smirks and takes my bra off with her pupils blown, causing me to bite my lip. She moves her hair to one side and starts sucking hard on my breasts. I moan her name softly at the feeling.  Then she goes up to my ear.
"Forget about Maya. I have you. Do you want us to stop?" She asks seductively in my ear causing me to shudder.
"Fuck no."
"Good." Hope goes back to my breasts and squeezes and twists the hardened nipple while she devours the other one. I'm losing everything. She hasn't even started going further down yet and I'm already about to hit my climax. Hope kisses a trail all the way down giving hickeys along the way. She smirks up at me. I see as she rips my underwear off leaving it in half on the floor.
"I see you were ready for me." She whispers against my core and that's it I came all in her mouth. She licks in between my folds delicately getting all of it as she moans against me making me feel the vibration. I grab Hope my the back of the head and shove it into my vagina. Every move and touch makes me go crazy. Hope then shoves three inside causing me to gasp with my back off the bed. She goes hard and fast then faster.
"Hope! Oh my God!" I moan. Hope then puts four in and my eyes go in the back off my head with my hair clinging to my face. I breathe heavy as she continues to fuck me.
"Come on. Just cum for me so I can eat you." Hope says with her lips brushing against my entrance and I came again in her mouth she sits up and drag her soaking fingers up my body through my valley and up to my lips as some of it gets into my mouth. I taste my self and moan as Hope drags her tongue up me getting all of my juices.
"Okay. I want you to face the head board and go on your knees with your legs spread apart." She growls and I follow her instructions. She slips her head between my legs and she brings her head up to my clit as I shove her face inside me. Her teeth graze the inside of me and I cum again in her mouth. She pulls me lower so I'm sitting on her face and she eats me like a ravenous wolf. I already know I'm gonna hurt in the morning. After Hopes done she sets me on her lap breathless and sweaty was the new way I wanted to see her all the time. She lays down and I lay down next to her and she wraps her secure arms around me pulling me closer to her front was pressed tightly against my front.
"Goodnight, babe." Hope says with a yawn and then her breath evens out. Our legs tangled together with the sheets and sweat glistening from her abs. My eyes look at her peacefully sleeping then my eyelids flutter shut.

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