Chapter 13

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They set Hope on the bed and Dad starts to wash off her face with a cloth.
"Can I do it?" I ask holding my hand out he sets it in my hand and gives me a sad smile. I put the cloth in the bowl and ring it out then bring it to her face. Gently dragging it along her features and the blood comes off onto the cloth. I put the cloth in the bowl and sniffle and wipe my eyes with the back of my hand. Everyone's in the room giving me a pitiful look.
"We are going to wait til she wakes up and when she does we will help her." I say trying to convince myself more than them.
"No this is what we need to do. Dad I think we should set up a protective around the school and get the younger kids out of here. Lizzie I want you and Penelope and Mg to do that. I am going to wait here and fill Hope in when she comes back. Everyone knows the plan?"
"Yes. Let's go guys."
They all file out of the room and I go sit on the bed and place Hopes head on my lap and stroke her face.
"Come on Hope. I need you."
Hope gasps and sits up clutching her throat looking around. She turns around and we look at each other for a second. Then I grip on to her afraid to let go I breathe shakily and just silently cry in her shoulder.
"You're okay." I say.
"Yeah, I'm okay. But not gonna lie I'm slightly hungry." She laughs and I follow after her.
"Don't ever die on me again!" I sniffle then rest my forehead on hers.
"I won't. I promise I won't."
I press my lips onto hers forgetting about oxygen.
"I love you."
"I love you too." I hold onto her face and just feel her body close to mine for reassurance.
"We should tell everyone that you're alive you know."
"Yeah. Let's go." Hope gets up but I grab her hand and lock the door and say a silence spell.
"I said we should not right now." Our lips are brushing against each other and my hands are on her neck with hers on my waist. "Right now I need you." I whisper and we glance in each others eyes and that was the push she needed. Lips on lips crashing and colliding into each other tongues exploring but Hope pulls away sharply and veins are popping from under her eyes.
"I can't. I don't wanna hurt you."
"It's okay. You can feed from me."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive." I pull hair and open my neck to her showing my confidence in her.
Hope puts her face in the crook of my neck then kisses it then with a quick puncture I feel her teeth in my neck which actually feels good to me. She releases and gives me some of hers so I don't bleed out. Her warm coppery tasting blood trickles down my throat instantly healing her mark.
"Now that you've fed we need to tell them. And what happened with Dani I thought she was your sister?"
"I'll tell you when everyone else gets here. I don't feel like explaining it more than once."
"Alright." I text everyone to meet us here and Hope sits on the bed and then everyone's in there. They run to Hope giving her hugs and telling her that they missed her.
"Hope can you tell us what happened?" Dad says standing tall.
"Yeah." I sit next to her and hold her hand for support. "Well when you called us to the office and told us about a man by the gate asking for us I was super confused. Dani didn't seem fazed and wouldn't answer my questions. When we approached the gate Kai Fucking Parker was there smirking and leaning against it. That's when he told me about Dani and his plan. He wanted me to think he was dead so that I would let my guard down enough for Dani to come back. I fell for it. Then Dani grabbed me and started beating me to tell her where the agency was. I told her I wouldn't do she continued. It was like physically it was Dani but on the inside she wasn't even somebody I knew. I before there was much damage I casted a spell so if she killed me she would die right along with me. Then you guys showed up and she compelled you to stay still. After that it gets more foggy but I know that it was bad and that I obviously died."
"Yeah. Well we are just glad you're okay. Now we have a heretic to kill." Dad says.
"Yeah. We should get going." Lizzie says and everyone rushes out of the room and Hope stands up and offers me her hand.
"Let's go kick his ass." Hope smiles and I take her hand with a nod and we run after them.
Kai sits in the bleachers and looks over at our group walking over to him.
"Wow. It's dead silent here. Oh I'm sorry too soon?"
"Kai what the hell do you want?" Hope yells at him walking in front. I follow after her.
"I suppose I should tell you considering the prophecy is about your child."
"Child? I don't have a kid." All of us are caught off guard.
"Well you do and according to prophecy it will be a sight to see. I can sense it. You have an unborn child, Hope Mikaelson. That's where Landon was supposed to come in. You know the whole teen pregnancy scam then when you had your son or daughter. I don't really care which. Anyways I take the child and use it as an unlimited power source. But it seems you got to him first and now that plans, whoosh, out the window. So I went with the next best thing. I knew I had two possible places for the child. Either Maya or..."
"Me." I finish and Hope and I look at each other. 
"Exactly. Maya was a dead end. So I found Dani who shall Rest In Peace and I took her under my wing when you left for your 'evildoers beware book club'. She watched you your whole life and you never knew she found Josie and checked for the child sure enough there it is." He points finger guns at my stomach and Hope pushes me behind her.
"I think I've heard enough from you."
"I second that." Penelope says coming forward and Mg following.
"Alright you two just follow training he can't fight for himself." Hope says and the three run but Hope disappears then reappears begins him and kicks him into Penelope who slams him into Mgs fist.
"Oh hell yeah! I knew I liked Hope for a reason." Lizzie says. Dad looks stoic as ever trying to figure things out.
"Aaah!" Them Hope and Mg hold their ears and kneel to the ground as Kai holds his hand over them.
"What're you doing to them?!" I ask siphoning from Mg.
"Don't worry I'm just popping every blood vessel in their brain." He begins to make a fist making it worse.
"Icaeus!" I chant and he flies back. I check on Hope to make sure she's okay while Dad, Lizzie and Penelope check in Mg. "Hey. Are you okay?" I hold her face.
Two arms grab me from behind then a cold hard thing is against my neck.
"Enough! I will end this now!" Kai yells and Hope stands up. Her eyes going a golden color. "Aww. The big bad wolf is coming out to play." Kai mocks but I can tell Hope hates it. Her fangs shoot out from her gums and she runs at Kai jumping but when  the feeling of arms around me goes away. I turn around and Hopes on Kai in wolf form pinning him.
"Hope!" Penelope holds me back from going up to her.
"Hold on! Let her do this. This is her instinct if you get in the way of that she'll get angry." Hope growls at Kai and Kai starts laughing like a psycho.
"You think you can scare me? I won."
"Not quite." The President comes up and some agents go and arrest Kai as Hope gets off of him she just looks at him till they put him in the plane. "Thank you for helping put him away." He faces Hope and pets her on the head like a dog. "You won't have to worry about him ever again."
"Thank you, sir." Penelope says and let's go of me. The president nods then gets on the plane and it flies away into the distance. "Also you guys might want to turn around. Cause when Hope changes back she'll be naked. Josie give her your hoodie or something." I hear her bones breaking back to normal and I cringe and I rake off my hoodie and hold it behind me till someone takes it.
"I'm good." We turn around and just hug Hope tighter than ever.
"So Hope how do you feel about being Josie's baby daddy?" Mg asks and Sad gives him a look.
"I don't hate it. It's just a lot to deal with at once."
"I mean you guys are lucky. In my opinion." Penelope says and we all walk to the school.
"Hope? I need to speak to you." Dad says and I get nervous cause I don't know what he's going to say.
"It's okay. I'll be back, hopefully."
"Oooh." Penelope mocks Hope and the rest of us walk inside. Lizzie and I walk to my room.
"How do you feel? You know about everything?"
"I'm gonna be a mom."
"Uh huh."
"It's Hopes."
"I am really in love with her. And suddenly really horny."
"Eww did not need to know that last part."
"What about you? What do you think I should do about it?"
"Do you want a future with Hope?"
"Of course."
"Do you want a family with Hope?"
"More than anything."
"I think you answered your own questions. I didn't like Hope when I heard that you guys worked for the government cause I thought you were gonna leave me behind. But now I think she's a great choice and person for you. I just want you to be happy."
"Thanks Lizzie."
"No prob Jo. Besides Hosie is life bitch."
"Your ship name duh."
We laugh when a knock comes from the door. Hope opens it and leans in the door.
"Can I maybe talk to Josie for a sec?"
"Yeah sure. See you later." Lizzie hugs me then walks out. Hope shuts the door then sits next to me on the couch.
"How're you feeling?"
"Tired. And overwhelmed."
"How're you?"
"I just found out that my girlfriend is pregnant with my kid and we're both girls and it's supposed to be a powerful supernatural. And I guess" Hope fidgets with her rings on her finger "I want to know what you want to do with it. It's your body and I'll support on whatever."
"I want to keep it. Cause Hope Mikaelson, I want to share a life with you and having this baby isn't going to change how i feel about you." I place my hand on her cheek and pull her in for a passionate kiss and one that means everything to me.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Josie Saltzman."
"And I you, Hope Mikaelson." I kiss her  again then I sit in her lap and cuddle up to her and she pulls me closer as I lean my head on her shoulder. "I can't wait to see what's next for us Hope."
"Me neither. But first we have to get through Graduation."

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