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PROLOGUE"for every year of peace there have been four hundred years of war

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"for every year of peace there have been four hundred years of war."
     - margaret atwood


The echo bounced off of the walls of the Ark as she pumped her legs against the floor. She made a sharp turn, trying to shake whomever was tailing her. Her black combat boots didn't make it especially easy to be sneaky, as they were pounding loudly. She made yet another sharp turn.

     Dylan Brown, yet again, found herself deep in trouble. She couldn't afford to be caught this time. You see, on the Ark, any crime was punishable by death, which meant that no matter how little the crime was, the chances of you being floated into space without a suit were great. So, seeing as she had stolen a snack, she was running for her life. Two weeks ago she had turned eighteen, which meant that she'd be floated the moment these guards caught up to her.

     She wasn't about to get herself killed over a damn apple.

     She was aware that it was selfish of her to steal, especially vegetables and fruits, since they were limited on the Ark. But she was growing tired of how privileged the Alpha station was. She was from the farm station, which meant that she was one of the people who had helped grow these fruits and vegetables. Yet, Alpha station had dibs on the food. It wasn't fair, but then again, nothing on the Ark really was.

     Dylan's breath was raking her entire body as she slipped inside a quiet room. She wasn't used to running like this, or any other form of exercise for that matter. It wasn't like the Ark had its own track field. The only exercise one normally would get there was if you decided to take a walk. Which, after a while, got quite boring, as room was limited on the Ark and you would easily grow tired of the same scenery.

     Dylan groaned internally when she heard the guards running in her direction. In a matter of seconds, they'd burst inside the room, grab her and force her into a cell, where she would probably hold her for a few hours while the council were reviewing her case. Then they would surely settle on the death penalty for her. As they did everyone else over the age of eighteen.

     She let her eyes grace the room, searching for anything that she could stay hidden in. Her eyes connected with the big, launching ship only few feet away from her. She furrowed her brows, wondering silently what it was for, but decided that it was her most promising hide out.

     Just as the door creaked open, she slipped into the ship, climbing the latter and lifting the latch to the second floor. She moved as silently as she could, trying to check for any other hiding places. She heard yelling from outside the launch ship before she was met with silence, followed by the slam of the door. They had left, she decided, after staying hidden for at least fifteen minutes.

     Letting out a deep breath of relief, she got up from her crouched position. She slipped down the ladder to the first floor. She was free. They hadn't caught her, and couldn't prove that she had stolen the apple. She was safe, having slithered her way out of trouble yet again.

     She chuckled at herself, and her stupidity, as she exited the ship, but halted when the door creaked open again. She felt her breath halt in her throat as she laid eyes on the guard only few feet away from her. She ran a hand through her hair aggressively, muttering a stream of curse words when he noticed her.

     She slowly started backing away, before his words froze her. "Hey! We've got a prisoner over here!"

     Damn that apple, and damn her stupid recklessness.



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