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One of the most question being asked to ourselves is our purpose in life

A simple way to figure it out is by looking for it and doing it.

[ How do I even know what I want ]

I believe that our interests from childhood still lingers in the back of our mind, because thats where all it started, the moment that triggers our curiosity and gave us the feeling of longing and that we want more of it. Childhood really does affect our current personality, our free mind and body exploring the unknown. What we have been exposed at an early age dictates what we might be in the future.

Try remembering your childhood interests and hobby

Do you feel the need to continue it?

If yes, give it a try and do it again

If not, write down why you lose interest in it 

Why do you have do this

it might help you to align/discover all your values and principles
you might have
imagine connecting the stars and making a constellation to see the big picture

As I said earlier, Childhood play a big role when determining your future intetests

The person around you
Your surrounding
And what you have discovered on your own
This entities acts as your radar and the layer that builts the foundation of your interests
For example,
Back when I was a kid, my father was a self employed retail shop owner and does a lot of computer/electronic related work. My mother worked as a kodak film developer then later on became a call center game support agent. With their previous job allowed me to see what their doing and might affect my interests


[ How do I know if it all makes sense ]

This is where the origin of Connection
The reason why I established Connection

I describe it as a linear of unrelated interests of one's own.

It ought to solve the questions
•  I have a lot of unrelated interests
•  I am overwhelmed to all of the options that the world offers

And it aims to find your interests from general to specific

Write down major fields that peaks your interest
(e.g Technology, Science, Philosphy..)

Next write down the things you like to happen in your :
> Career Life
> Personal Life
> And how you can connect it to the World

Connection : Deciding Life's Purpose and GoalWhere stories live. Discover now