Nothing Like Us

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A/N: Hello! New one shot for ya'll! Thank you so much for 3k reads and for #1 on sterekfanfic. It's unbelievable! Ah! Anyway, I hope ya'll like this. It's quite sad :( - As always the song is posted above. Enjoy!

Lately I've been thinking, thinking about what we had
And I know it was hard, it was all that we knew, yeah!

Derek can't stop thinking about him. His beautiful smile, adorable laugh, precious moles all over his body and his lips. God, Derek love kissing his lips.

Everywhere he go he think about the boy. Everything he sees reminds him of Stiles.

"Oh you're such a Sourwolf", Stiles smile down at Derek. They're laying on the couch, Stiles on top of Derek.

"It's not my fault you come in here and distract me from my book with your stupidly perfect lips", Derek growl and tackle the boy to the couch so he's on top now.

Stiles chuckle and wrap his arms around his neck. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"I still do", Derek finds himself saying out loud.

Have you been drinking, to take all the pain away?
I wish that I could give you what you deserve
'Cause nothing can ever, ever replace you
Nothing can make me feel like you do, yeah!

Derek know that Stiles drink when he's frustrated. They had been together for 5 years and Derek was the one who had to take away the bottle from the boy every time.

Now he's not there to do that anymore. It's not his job, he reminds himself. He can't stop worrying though.

He just wish he could give Stiles all the love he deserves, but instead he breaks his heart over and over to keep his own from the heartbreak.

Derek just doesn't realize that he's ruining himself more than being with the boy ever will.

You know there's no one, I can relate to
I know we won't find a love that's so true

He's tried to move on, to go on dates. Erica has been pushing him to go on dates with girls, even a boy, but Derek find himself staring out the window and not listening.

They're all nice, they could make good partners in a relationship, but they're not Stiles. They don't have Stiles' eyes, which holds so much love and excitement for the world. They don't have Stiles' energy, bouncing off the walls anywhere he is. They're not Stiles.

And Derek only want Stiles.

He's never felt the kind of love that he feels for this boy. He's never in his life felt how it is to really be loved by another person. To ache after them every single second of every single day.

And Derek has never felt this kind of heart break before.

There's nothing like us
There's nothing like you for me
Together through the storm

Even though Derek really tried. He really did. No one would ever be like Stiles, no one could ever give the love that the boy gave him.

Derek can never love anyone the way he love Stiles. Because Stiles is his soulmate, his everything, his world.

And Derek don't see a point of living in a world without his world.

There's nothing like us
There's nothing like you for me, together

Derek Hale don't cry, no he doesn't. Everyone knows that. He's build up a wall, but the whiskey eyed boy had teared down that wall with his smiles and laughs. With his promises about how Derek deserve happiness. Deserve life, because his family's death wasn't his fault.

But Derek can't stop blaming himself when Stiles isn't around. The boy kept him sane, and now he's going insane.

I gave you everything babe
Well, everything I had to give
Boy, why would you push me away?

Derek just don't understand it. He gave Stiles everything, made sure he was happy. He would give him the whole world if he could, Stiles knew that.

Derek just wish they could talk it out, but Stiles had blocked his number. From what Isaac told him, he had gotten a new number too.

Stiles had pushed him away, and he keeps doing so. Derek's broken.

Lost in confusion, like an illusion
You know I'm used to making your day

Living doesn't make sense to Derek anymore. He's used to wake up with his arms around the boy. He's used to kiss his forehead and go make coffee while his boy wakes up.

But now Derek is all alone in the loft. He can't sleep, not without Stiles. He catch himself making two cup of coffees every morning, even though Stiles isn't there.

Derek's completely lost, and he has no idea how to find his way back. Stiles is usually the one to do that.

But that is the past now, we didn't last now
I guess that this is meant to be

Derek finally get out of the loft after weeks. He's out of coffee and he can't function without that, he might go even more crazy.

So he walk to the store, because he want to gather his thoughts. Driving probably isn't the best idea, he'll just end up dead.

Derek wish he never went because there he is. At the end of the store aisle, laughing at something Scott is saying to him. Derek is frozen in place, staring at the boy.

Scott see Derek and nudge Stiles' shoulder, nodding his head in the man's direction.

Stiles smiles weakly and wave a little. Derek put on a fake smile, wave and walks away in hurry leaving a puzzled Stiles behind.

Tell me, was it worth it? We were so perfect
But baby I just want you to see

"You're so stupid Derek. So fucking stupid", Derek mumble to himself as he walk home. His hands empty, he had left it all at the store. He had rushed out like a coward.

Seeing Stiles made Derek want to run away and hide. He won't go out again, he can't handle the pain in his heart anymore.

He knows it's for the best, right? Stiles seemed to think so when he gathered his things and left.

There's nothing like us
There's nothing like you for me
Together through the storm

Derek's given up. On Stiles. On life. He don't even want to be alive anymore. He's completely lost. Derek cries himself to sleep that night.

Little does he know, Stiles does the exact same.

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