Chapter 1

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The autumn air was filled with that sudden chill that mourned for the dying summer, holding for the hope this winter wouldn't be so cruel.

Everybody always hoped but left those hopes behind once the first frost covered the fields.

Winters were always cruel in Atria and that was the way of it.

Nema never hoped.

Hope was a porcelain doll for the kids from the castle. Each time life failed to deliver one of their precious dreams, they had someone who took notes of the injustices and made sure they were compensated in some manner.

No one took notes of Nema's injustices.

Each thing life forgot to bring her only meant she didn't deserve it and every approaching winter meant there was a chance she won't live to see another one.

Those who were born without magic had no use for Atria and no one would notice if they were gone.

Nema's face was plastered against the windowpane.

Tonight – tonight was different. Tonight she would take her destiny in her own hands. Tonight, she would prove them wrong. All of them.

She had been waiting for almost seventeen years for this night. 

Mage Grey said she was allowed to come once the young healers gather around the sacred circle and the forest gifts them with their familiars. And if the forest grants her wish he would not object.

Now, there was only one obstacle left in her way - how to leave the house.

There was a crushing sound on the porch of the wooden buckets knocked around. When the doors burst open Nema didn't even wince.

'I told you to stay away from the window!' Old Man croaked, his voice ruined with cheap spirit and constant shouting. He turned at Nema, but she simply slipped a step to the left and Old Man barely kept his fat body from slamming against the wall. Regaining his balance he slumped down on the mattress, pointing his fingers at Nema.

'If I see you even come close to that door I'll lock you with the animals until the morning.'

Nema's eyes widened - the only sign of fear she ever showed.

Old Man's threats had lost their edge years ago. As long as she had a book and a piece of candle she didn't mind staying locked up with animals. 

The art of stealing books appeared essential for her survival. Obtaining  candles was the easy part - there were plenty of it in the castle and a bag of healing herbs or a small favor like fixing the saddle or finding things students lost inside the forest earned her enough candles for a month of imprisonment. Old Man did not lock her up every night but Nema really liked to read.

Obtaining books was not that simple. It took days of careful planning and being in the right place in the right time to snatch one of them. The timing was everything - just like it was tonight.

Every other night she'd simply move out of his way and go about her business but tonight she could not afford even the smallest mistake. She'd been waiting for this night for too long and she knew Old Man well enough to be sure that he would love nothing more than to find what she wanted the most and crush it before her eyes.

'Whatever you say, Old Man,' Nema said meekly, her long hair covering her face.

The old drunk gave her a suspicious look. The trouble was - Old Man knew her just as well as she knew him.

'What are you up to?' He growled. 'Don't make me...' He started tapping about his pockets searching for the keys. Nema's heart started beating fast. She had to play this carefully.

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