Chapter 4

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Only when Demian disappeared through the narrow opening and returned to the deck, Nema could breathe again.

'Fire-feeders.' The word kept echoing inside her mind like a dark Sollbelian curse. 'Fire-feeders.'

Nema was staring at her old brown boots. What did it matter if she was afraid or not. No one ever asked was she afraid before something terrible happened.

She took the Sunray tincture from her bag and poured a few drops into the warm milk and, together with Nox in her hands, slipped down on the wet floor hoping she'd find the bowl empty when she opens her eyes again.

The sea was calm but, unaccustomed to the sounds of waves crashing against the ship, Nema startled awake every few minutes. Inside the dark bowel of the ship the blackest thoughts prayed on her mind. It looked like Nox was only getting worse and more and more it seemed they would never make it to the Turin Glaciers.

'Land!' Someone called. Nema was already awake, watching the pale light of dawn coming through the narrow opening. She carefully climbed the stairs, holding back the tears. The milk was left untouched and Nox's breathing was now so slow she was simply waiting for the moment his fur will start going colder in her arms.

Demian was already waiting on the shore. The horses were waiting for them. 'Are you ill?' He asked.

Nema shook her head.

When they emerged from the forest the sun was high on the sky. Remains of a castle, already reclaimed by nature seemed abandoned until they dismounted. Suddenly, almost a dozen men with drawn swords were surrounding them. They lowered their weapons once they saw Demian. They had the same reaction to Nema's presence as the men on the ship but this time no one voiced their concerns.

From the outside, the ruins covered with ivy looked very much idyllic even though most of the roof had collapsed long ago. Only the south tower was still intact. When Demian led her into what used to be the main room they encountered a far less poetic ambient. There were piles of clothes, remains of food and old bandages everywhere. Nema never saw so many empty bottles in one place.

Demian caught her stare. 'This is only temporary,' he said, looking away.

'I've seen worse,' Nema shrugged. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

She wasn't surprised because she expected some royal lodging, but because Demian looked like some knight of noble blood who kidnapped misfortunate healers for a pass time. It was hard to imagine him sleeping here.

Soon she was busy. Nema prepared the tinctures and clean bandages. It was fairly easy – four of them has superficial wounds and two of them were dealing with the aftermath of something they called a fair fight. Both men suffered from severe burns but the rest of the crew couldn't stop tormenting them with all sorts of insults all the while Nema was tending to their injuries.

'Demian,' that burly angry guy called.

They exchanged a few glanced but Demian shook his head.

'Demian!' The guy said again, this time sitting up. 'Why did you bring her here if you won't let her take a look?'

'Come on, Lorn, get up,' Demian said, 'since you seem rested enough.'

A few moments later Demian, Lorn and two other men rode away.

Nema found a place a bit further away, placed Nox in a sunny spot and just stared at his grey fur. She often wondered what if felt like for healers to have so much power in their hands to save another being. It was a gift and such a precious one, a gift she would know how to treasure.

Nema kept thinking about that night. Maybe she should have left Nox with healers. Maybe she should have asked Sena for help or maybe she shouldn't have begged Master Grey to let her try in the first place.

'Please, Nox,' she whispered, 'please don't die. I'll take you on an adventure. I promise. You'll see a real pirate ship.' Nox wasn't moving anymore. She was afraid to touch its fur.

Nema had finished what she was brought here for and she hoped Demian would take her to the Turin Glaciers maybe even tonight. She was waiting until the moon rose silver and bright but Demian wasn't there.

She was roused from her thoughts by the sound of hooves. Two riders quickly dismounted. The third one wasn't moving. His head was pressed against the horse's neck and his arms hung down beside his body. She realized they were calling for her.

'Help him!' Lorn said to her, his face pale. Demian helped him take the rider off his horse and lay him down on the ground. When Nema approached all eyes were on her.

'Help him!' Lorn growled. She was staring at two large wet stains on the soldier's chest. She looked up to Demian but he stood with his back on her, trying to calm Lorn down.

'His heart is silent,' she said. 'He's gone.'

Lorn drew his sword. 'Do something!' He cried. He was bleeding too but his rage was like a wildfire.

When he took another step closer Nema reached for her booth but there was nothing she could defend herself with. She made a careful step back, keeping her eyes on his sword. Everyone else appeared perfectly disinterested about these scenes, even about the fact that one of them had just died. Nema heard stories about their kind but she thought impossible for some things to be true.

'I'm sorry,' Nema whispered. A hundred healers couldn't bring this man back from the road he has taken. 

Lorn's eyes flashed and a sparkle of fire appeared on the ground. Before Nema realized what was happening a fiery ring closed around her.

'The fire will find you!' Suddenly she heard the voice in her head. Nema remembered the night of one of her first memories. Her heart was beating so fast she thought she would faint. 'And the fire will claim you.' That's what he said.

She was shaking with her entire body. 'Please,' she whispered but the wall of fire rose around her until there was nothing but raging heat around her.

Nema covered her eyes with both hands. Suddenly the heat was gone and she opened her eyes to see the fire had disappeared.

She saw Lorn standing above Nox with his dagger, his eyes on Nema. 'Say you blessings, healer or I'll kill your bird.' He pointed his blade at the little bundle wrapped in a grey scarf.

'Leave him alone!' Nema cried. 'He's dying already. There is nothing I can do anymore.'

Lorn's eyes flashed. 'I know you have spells to bring people back. I've seen it.' He said. 'Say them!' He pulled the grey fabric away and she heard a little painful moan coming from the animal. 'Even water-blood has something they care about.' He pointed his blade at the animal.

'I'm not a healer!' Nema cried. 'I have no powers. I lied. I lied to you. I'm not a healer. I can't help you. Leave that pup alone. He did nothing to you!' 

Lorn grabbed the fur on the back of Nox's head and when he raised the animal in the air it looked like a starved rabbit. Nema felt the tears gather in her throat. She looked about and grabbed a sharp rock from the ground. 'Let him go!' She growled. When Lorn placed the animal back on the ground Nema rushed to shelter it in her arms.

One of the men appeared beside her. 'From whom did you steal the cub?' He asked. There were no weapons drawn but he stood too close for her liking.

'He is mine,' Nema said.

The soldier frowned. 'How someone without magic could own a Noery?'

That world drew the attention of others and suddenly she was surrounded by twenty fire-feeders who seemed much more angered because of her familiar than they were when one of them died.

The solder who stood next to her now leaned a bit closer. 'Tell me where you found the cub and I'll spare your life.' A fiery sphere flashed on his palm. Nox suddenly looked up. She saw his yellow eyes staring transfixed at the blaze.

'That was enough,' Demian pushed away from the wall, 'leave the girl alone.'

He appeared beside her.

'Go upstairs,' he pointed to the tower, 'and bolt the door.'

Nema's eyes widened.

'Run!' He said and suddenly she found herself running up the spiral stairs.

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