Chapter 2

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"DANIELLE! I NEED YOU DOWNSTAIRS!! NOW!!!" Ms. Crawford shouted as she knocked on my door. Ms. C has only been the one person who has been making me feel good in the orphanage, but it's only.... 4 in the morning! Closing my eyes for 10 more seconds, remembering the one good dream I had... Meeting Fifth Harmony. Then I roll out of bed and brush my teeth. I get there in three minuets.

"Morning, sweetie," Ms. C said, "Sorry I woke you up so early. We have visitors. I need you to help me clean."

"Okay." I shrug, knowing that I will never be adopted.

"Okay, I'm gonna help you." She says. I nodded as we split up and started to clean.

* 3 long hours of tidying the orphanage later*

"Yay!! We finished! Good job Danielle!" Ms. Crawford high-fived me and walked to the kitchen and started to get ingredients for cookies.

"Who's coming?" I ask, following her.

"Huh?" She turns her head and puts down the flour so now she's paying attention.

"Who's coming to adopt? Why are there microphones set up?" 5 microphones? 5 singers? Probably just a local family who likes to sing and wants to adopt a kid.

"It's a secret. They are coming about an hour from now. Go get ready and tidy up," I nod and turn around to go upstairs, "Thank you, Danielle... For helping." I hear her say.

"No problem." I give her the thumbs-up.

Running upstairs, I trip and fall and hear snickers behind me.

"Watch your step, loser," Bailey says as she slaps me in the face, "Stupid, kid." Her friend whispers, stepping over me. Ugh. Whatever. "Haters back off" As Miranda Sings would say.

I run upstairs and started to freshen up for the visitors. Just brush my hair and change into some real clothes.

I walk back downstairs and hear conversation. A lot of conversation. Then I hear a laugh. No. It can't be. It cannot be the one and only... Lauren Jauregui's laugh. Oh my God. I hide by the stairs and listen more closely.

"So yeah. We'll preform Better Together and Miss Moving On. Honeymoon Avenue as our cover?"

"Yup. I can't believe we're gonna adopt today!!"
Adopt?? WHAT DO THEY MEAN??!?!!?? WAIT. I HOPE THEY ADOPT ME. WAIT........ FIFTH HARMONY IS HERE!!! I CANT BELIVE IT!!!! MY INSPIRATIONS ARE STANDING BEFORE ME. CALM DOWN DANIELLE! I CANT CALM DOWN!! I HAVE TO FANGIRL. DONT FANGIRL. OKAY OKAY IM GOING DOWNSTAIRS. I start to make my way down the stairs and stop when I see the one and only... Fifth Harmony. Don't stare. Do. Not. Stare. Oh my God. It's them.

"Hi." I squeak. I just embarrassed myself. This isn't good.

"Hi sweetie!! What's your name?" Camila asks me in awe.

"D-Danielle." Stop stuttering!!!

"That's a cool name!" Dinah smiles. I have to let it out. I start jumping up and down and cry my eyeballs out.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I cry. The girls question my sudden outburst and I decide to tell them.

"I used to hurt myself. A lot. My parents abused me and didn't take care of me. I got taken away from them and learned that they went to jail. I found out there was a show called X- Factor. And I saw you girls on it. You girls gave me the inspiration to keep going with my life and to not hurt myself. Thank you!" All the girls gave me a big group-hug.

"We love you so much!" Lauren and Normani say in unison.

"Yeah! You are so adorable!"

"And sweet!" Camila give me a koala hug which is very awkward and funny. Now I know how Dinah feels. Lauren joins in on the hug. Oh my gosh!!! I'm being hugged by Camren!! Calm down. Don't fangirl. They let go and Camila says, "You are beautiful. Never forget we love you."

"I love you too." I look up at my heroes. The five people that helped me through my hard times.

A few minutes later we talked and the girls moved around the orphanage, greeting and hugging many kids. They didn't hug them like they hugged me. I watch Camila hop on Lauren's back and have a piggy-back ride. To be honest... I was fangirling. Normani and Ally walk over to me and say they saved a spot for me in the front row for their performance.

They started out with some of their own songs and did a cover of Honeymoon Avenue by Ariana Grande, Red by Taylor Swift, and Stay by Rihanna. Then they did question and answer session. And photo ops. It was really fun. And then the time came. They decided who they wanted to adopt. To be honest, I really hoped it was me. But probably not. There are so many better kids than me.

"Okay! We know who we want to adopt!!" Camila exclaimed excitedly.

"We would like to adopt... Drumroll please...." Dinah giggled. The drumroll started and I closed my eyes. Hoping.



Sorry I didn't update people! I was super busy this break. But I decided to work more. I have chapter three ready so I won't worry about that!! Thank you! Hope you guys had a great new year!! Should I add some Camren in here ;) ? Haha okay. So thanks to the people who read this! Comment... If ya want. Okay. I'm gonna stop. Byeeeeeessss

- Miranda

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