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"You broke up with her? You seriously broke up with Ritika?"

"Yeah...I mean... yeah... that's what I've been trying to tell you for the last one hour."

"But Virat! How can you break up with someone like Ritsy?"

"Are you going to take her side now? I thought you were my best friend?"

"Of course I am, but...but... why are you so senseless!"


"I told you Ro it was not my choice! I would never have let her go if it had been in my hands!"


"Ritika and you..."

"No, Virat! No-it's not like that..."

"I can see that for myself...thanks..."

"Virat, please... listen to me once please... Virat!"



"I hate the way things ended with Virat."

"Do you want to go back to him?"

"Don't be stupid!"

"No, I'll actually be glad if you do..."

"Ro, stop that."

"At least I'd still have Virat."


"Mahi bhai... Mahi bhai..."

"Cheeku... What happened? What-tell me..."

"Ro and Ritsy love each other. I...I...I messed it all up..."

"You didn't mess anything, Cheeku!"

"I did! I messed up Rohit's life so bad, Mahi bhai!"


"Strangers can become best friends as easily as best friends can become strangers."


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