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When Ritika woke up the next morning, she felt none of the aversion she always felt on days she had to go and manage shoots. Managing sportsmen was easier; shoots, especially dealing with people like Raghu bhaiya, got to you pretty quickly.

For some reason she felt irrationally happy that morning.

Had she been having a good dream that night? No. She couldn't recall one.

Had she had good news from home yesterday evening? No. Only a routine call from Bunty.

Was there something good in the fridge? Nah. No such luck.

Was it because she was going to meet Rohit in a few hours? Of course...not.

Though, obviously she had liked talking to him yesterday. His nervousness around Yuvi paaji was kind of sweet. And he wasn't like the typical young talented cricketer of today, with their tattoos and gelled up hair and an attitude a lot bigger than their achievements.

Suddenly she wished the shoot was scheduled a bit earlier. It was nearly four hours away!

Ritika sighed and set about cleaning her apartment.


Every time someone entered the shooting room, Ritika glanced up hopefully. Evidently, like Yuvi paaji himself, Rohit had a habit of running late too.

After what seemed like years to her, Rohit stepped in, looking sort of apprehensive. She checked her watch and saw that he was only twenty five minutes late.

Funny how long that had seemed to her.

Just as Ritika made up her mind to walk over and greet him, Rohit spotted her and waved, and came running up to her.

"Hello," said Rohit cheerfully.

"Yes, hello," said Ritika, grinning. "Woke up late?"

"My alarm didn't ring," said Rohit mournfully. "Do you know my alarm never rings!"

"Someone whose alarm never rings needs to look into their issues," said Ritika drily. "That's what happens with Yuvi bhaiya, too, you know."

"I know," said Rohit. "He would miss all our matches if Mahi bhai didn't consider it his personal duty to wake him up."

"So I've heard," said Ritika, as they started to walk over to the props. "Who woke you up today, since your alarm didn't ring?"

"Virat," said Rohit. "But only because he wanted to tell me a dumb story about his cat."

"Kohli?" asked Ritika.

"Yeah," said Rohit. He glanced at Ritika and read her expression correctly. "I know he comes across as... aggressive or something but Virat's... Virat."

"Jeez, thanks for the info," drawled Ritika. "Virat's Virat!"

"I meant he's the best person I've seen in my life," said Rohit defensively.

"You can't have seen many people in your life," said Ritika sympathetically.

"You don't even know him! How can you-"

"Look, I've been in this managing sort of thing for a year or two, and I hear things," said Ritika.

"Yuvi paaji loves Virat!"

"I know Yuvi paaji loves Virat, but he always had a taste for the worst monkeys, seeing that he's one, himself."

"I'll make you meet him soon, Ritika. You'll see how he is," said Rohit.

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