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My legs wobbled as I made my way closer to the edge of the cliff. I took in a deep breath of air, hands trembling by my sides as I stepped closer and closer to the end of the cliff. My heart
hammered against my chest when I stared down at the rocky waters below me. If I jumped off that cliff
right now, I would die from the impact, immediately.

But wasn't that what I've always wanted, to die quickly and without any pain?

I just wanted my life to end. I wanted to get away from this hell hole I've been sucked into. I wanted to go live with my parents up in heaven, not in some orphanage where I was too old for anyone to want to adopt me. They
all wanted to adopt an obedient little child, not some seventeen year old teen like me.

I moved my foot one step closer, feeling myself stop breathing.

If I moved just an inch closer, I would be tumbling down that cliff.

You can do this, Tzuyu. It's what you've been wanting for years now.

I moved my left foot forward, letting it dangle in thin air.

A tear escaped my eyes, sliding down my cheeks slowly.

Suddenly, I felt myself fly towards the side, as I squeezed my eyes together tightly. I prepared myself for the impact. Instead, I found myself crashing onto dirt.

I opened my eyes, noticing that I was now thrown meters away from the edge of the cliff.

Hovering over me was a familiar face, one that was well known in my school.

Minatozaki Sana.

She was well known for being in the 'it crowd', something that I was never part of. Minatozaki Sana was known as the school's most likable female, for her care for other students, and generosity. All the girls in my grade wanted to be her girlfriend and of course more for the boys, but I've never seen her around any girl or boy
before. People say that she doesn't like to lead on people, and she's waiting for the right one.

Personally, I found her fake.

"What the hell do you think you were doing?!" She shouted at me, as I pushed her off of me.

My vision was still blurry from my tears, as I wiped them with the back of my hand with frustration.

"Wasn't it obvious enough?" I hissed, standing up, as I brushed the dirt off my coat.

"Everything was going fine until
you interrupted me."

"Well do you really think I would just sit there and watch you jump off a cliff?" Sana asked me angrily.

She followed me as I walked. I got aggravated, and pushed her away from me with my palms. "You don't know a thing about me! If I want to kill myself, I'm going to kill myself!"

I walked back to the edge of the cliff, as my hands shook by my sides. "I'll give you ten seconds to run. Or else, you'll witness my bloody body at the bottom of that lake."

Sana bit her lower lip, not uttering a word.

"Fine? Is that how it's going to be?" I snapped. "Congrats, Minatozaki, you'll be the witness of my suicide."

I stepped forward, but before I could fall down, I felt a tug by my wrist. Sana pulled me backward.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I screamed, letting tears fall down my cheeks. "Let me go!"

Sana clenched her jaw.

"I'm not going to let you die." Tears streamed down my face, as I ripped my wrists out of her grip. "Why do you even care?" I sobbed. "You don't even know me!"

"You're Chou Tzuyu, the quiet girl that sits behind me in History class." Sana spoke.

"Is that it?" I raised an eyebrow.


Sana pulled me forward, so that my chest was pressed against her. What the hell did she think she was doing?

"Get away from-“

"Give me ten days." Sana started off.

"What?" I spat, trying to get her body away from mine.

"Give me ten days, and I can give you multiple reasons not to die- ten to be exact." Sana paused. "And if I can't
change your mind by then, you can go jump off that cliff."

I pursed my lips. “You don't mean that."

"I do." Sana sternly said.

"Do we have a deal?

I bit my lower lip. "I don't know.

"Do we have a deal?" She repeated, ignoring me.

I gulped, as I stared up into her exotic brown eyes. They looked so genuine and sincere. Did she really want to save my life?



Hey smols!

This is a new short story featuring our beloved Visual Couple.

I hope you guys would read and enjoy!

Thank you!

crdts: RiceLover 💜

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