Day 2020

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I stared out at the scenery before me, frowning. The view below me was absolutely astonishing. A valley of forest green trees were visible from
where the cliff was located, and right below it was a rapid streaming lake with many large boulders below.

The place was beautiful, no doubt about it, but who would want to have their wedding ceremony here?

I looked around, noticing that coral pink and cherry roses decorated the place. I took a seat in the fourth row, not too far back, yet not smack in the front. I smoothed out my lilac purple dress, taking a seat next to a girl who looked half my age. She had a rosy pink dress on, and her blonde hair was curled to perfection. She was grinning the entire time, as she kept turning her head back around to see if she could spot the bride.

The groom-bride and all of the best men were lined up on the far right of the stage. The groom-bride was wearing a classic black woman suit with a matching black bow tie. Her dark hair was tousled, and even though she wore the happiest smile on her face, I could tell she was nervous.

"Everyone please stand for the bride." Someone announced, as everyone stood up in unison. The girl beside me jolted up in giggles, as the nun beside her tried to calm her down.

The flower girl and the ring bearer suddenly began to walk down the aisle, as the flower girl tossed rose petals back and forth.

The girl beside me let out a groan, as she crossed her arms.
"I wanted to be the flower girl."

She muttered under her breath, pouting a lip out. I stared down at her, as her crystal clear brown eyes locked
into mine. "Why weren't you?" I
gave her a gentle smile.

She looked up at me with surprise. "They said I was too old."

She huffed. "Im only eleven!"

The bridesmaids were beginning to come down the aisle now, as I gave the girl a gentle smile. "Maybe next time?" I offered.

She shrugged. "I guess."

She mumbled. She stuck her hand
out for me to shake, as I took her
little hand. "I'm Son Chaeyoung."

I let out a little laugh, as I shook her hand. "Nice to meet you, Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung was about to open her mouth to ask who I was, but before she got to, everyone got silent.

Suddenly, the bride appeared on the aisle in her gorgeous white dress. It had a sweetheart neckline, and it wasn't too tight, but tight enough to show off her curves. Crystals were all
embodied in the right places, and
her transparent white veil hid her

I'm pretty sure everyone was mesmerized by her beauty.

"You may now sit." The priest said, as the bride stood beside her groom-bride, grinning massively.

"Dearly beloved, we gather here today..." The priest began to speak. Fifteen minutes later, after a few laughs, the priest was finally getting to where everyone was waiting for the entire time. I looked over to the
nun beside Chaeyoung, who was wiping away a few stray tears with
a handkerchief.

"I, Chou Tzuyu, take you, Minatozaki
Sana, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to
cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

The groom-bride said, voice shaking in between words.

The bride smiled, as she bit her lower lip nervously. "I, Minatozaki Sana, take you, Chou Tzuyu, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in
health, to love and to cherish; from
this day forward until death do us

There was a long moment of silence, before the priest spoke up again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure to introduce to you for the first time, the newly wedded."

The audience erupted into cheers, as I stood up to clap. "You may now kiss the bride!"

Tzuyu took Sana's veil off, and with one swift motion, she placed her lips onto hers. Flashes went off from the crowd of people taking pictures, and Chaeyoung, who was still beside me, was jumping up and down, clapping.

I bet no one here would've caught it, but I swore I saw the groom-bride whispering to her bride,

"I love you and thank you for being the reasons for me to live."

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