Dazed Morbidity

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Dearest Darlings,

Do you ever think you want to disappear, to never be seen ? To be gone and never remembered. Wanting to possibly stop existing at all but never as permanent as death because you are still too much of a person who wants to live to love and wants to stay and not cause pain to those you claim to love. It's a bittersweet feeling to say that you don't want to be anything anymore. There's the elation that you won't have to think or worry but the disappointment of being a coward and not being able to prove that you were more than your false words.

That to be able to live up to those expecitations set by youself was more easy to meet and that the person you thought or portrayed to have had existed was not just a mask to appease the soul and mind and fool the heart from knowing how worthless you have felt. Inadequate ano formless a beine of nothing but the sharer of grief and disheart.

Buried alive under guilt and seeking absolution from One and nothing but to crawl on your knees and weep to all and everyone to cast you from sin and vice. To let you be more than the insubstantial miser who knew nothing of wealth bestowed upon him to give. An endless maw who let the riches not flow but become stagnant and decrepit. Many a lives longing for the riches to flow but the miser was too wretched to serve and perdition claimed his soul.


Your's Respectfully,
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