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"So, what do you want?" Shinsou asks as we walk in the white wood doors of the café by the mall, the bright pink walls hit my eye. The color is sickening to me, seriously, they could have painted the walls a dull shade of yellow and it would be better than this shitty color. "Mhm? Oh, I am good. Thanks for the offer though." I am barely paying attention to what he is saying as I am trying to find a seat for us away from everyone's prying eyes. 'Like seriously, why would I make him pay when I can just take a cup from behind the counter?' My eye lands on an empty booth and I practically sprint, glad to rest my feet and be away from everyone. Shinsou joins me and looks at the menu, just to order the same thing he always gets here.

"Hello, I am Regina and I will be your server for today. Are you ready to order?" The waitress says while trying to get Shinsou's attention by flaunting her body, swaying her hips way more than needed.

"Two slices of cheesecake and large coffee." He says, giving me a smirk, receiving a snarl from me. " Two pumps of cream and-"

"I will take it black, if you don't mind.' I interrupt him, annoyance leaking out of my face. 'Why does he not listen to me and just order for himself? I mean, I understand that it is awkward, but still. God, I sound like a whiny brat!' The waitress finally acknowledges me and gives me a cold glare, making me give on back. It seems that Shinsou has not noticed.

"Okay, two cheesecakes and one black coffee, large." She repeats, her once annoying cheerful tone gone. She finishes writing down the the order and leaves, but not before giving Shinsou a wink and swaying her hips. 'Wonder what is going on in that big head of hers.' Quirks are very useful when they are needed, the only problem is that they can take a toll on your body if you are not careful. "Wonder if on Wednesdays she wears pink." I tell Shinso and we laugh.

I stare at her as she gives our order to the chef, trying not to be obvious. I see images of her and Shinsou... doing things I wish that I never saw, 'Wow, ok. I did not need that mental image. Girl, come on. you are like, thirty. He is half your age.' Look, I am not jealous, but come on, he is my best friend. "Disgusting." I mumble, not realizing that I said it out loud. 

"What did you say Em?" Shinsou asks me while the same waitress places our food on the table, looking at Shinsou and blocking my view of him.

"Nothing. Why did you order two slices, they are pretty big, don't you think?" I ask as I slowly sip on the hot coffee. 'Sucks not being able to eat a lot of food like others.' I can only eat very few things without feeling sick and puking, thanks to my father. I don't know how, but I can.

"One is for you, of course. I know you have not eaten anything yet since you had broken into my house." He states, sliding a plate and fork towards me, a small grin on his face.

"I'm good, thanks." I glare at him while stabbing my unwanted food with the fork, taking a hesitant bite. 'Oh. My. Ghoul. It is delicious!' I feel myself practically melt at the taste. I try not to let it show, but considering that I heard Shinsou chuckle, I was not successful. "Wipe that smirk off of your face, and stop laughing at me. It is unusual." I grumble and glare at him while taking another bite. We finish eating and the waitress comes back over with the bill, and to probably try to seduce Shinsou one last time. She still has that confident sway in her hips while rubbing her stick figure legs together.

"All done?" She asks him, clearly, again, ignoring me. "Yeah, how much do I owe?" Shinsou asks her while pulling out his wallet. "$29.58 is your total." She answers while I look in her thoughts for the real price.

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