First Strike

36 0 0

15.00 P.M
3 Days before the Assault

"Sir, The whole Ninjago city want to congratulate by giving a reccomendation doing an event in the palace and the whole city." Hutchins said

"Uhh... Ok?" Lloyd confused

"Lloyd, its ok. We gonna have some fun."
Harumi told Lloyd

"Ok. Tell the bodyguards and the ninjas." Lloyd told Hutchins

Then, the event starts. Theres a lot of fireworks and lanterns. Looks similar like the Oni Festival.

Lloyd with his Tuxedo and Harumi with her light green dress comes to the event.

"And here we have... Superstar Rocking Jay!!!" The Host of the event introduced Jay.

"Wait, how did he change his looks? He's look similar like in the prime empire." Kau told his friends

"I KNOW RIGHT?!" Cole Answered.

Meanwhile at the Police Departement...

"44, a school bus got hijacked by a group of SWAT RIP offs. Respond." A Police told the operator

"31, we will send teams there." the operator told the Police.

Royal Palace

"Yawwww!!!" Jay is rockin out

Everyone shouted until...

the whole palace is shaking and everyone panic.

A very dirty school bus came to the palace and crash one of the royal palace pillar.

"What the? Thats the same school bus that the school tour came few hours ago." John realized.

The clock shows 18.00 P.M, The Assault...

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