It is named after Mariana’s Trench, the deepest point on earth due to the fact that Mariana’s web is buried very deep even in the deep or dark web. Many only say it exists in theory but none prove its existence.
However, it is beneath the code itself housing many secrets of mankind like the location of Atlanta, communications with other life forms like aliens and subset of internet used by these extra-terrestrial beings monitor us via these routes. These secrets will certainly through the world off balance, with the proven existence of Mariana’s web, none of the experts in the field have to yet gain any information from this part of the web. You need some high-power tools and software to look beneath the code for information.
Imagine contacting another life form and its proof will certainly through the Scientific field in chaos.
Manila Encounter & More (Compilation)
Historia Cortahey! guys! I know some of you know the Manila encounters creepy short confessions, some are just short story. lahat ng mababasa dito is not mine, so I'm gonna give a big credits to those people na pinagkuhanan ko ng source na yan. mahilig akong magb...