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Walking side by side the two siblings, Hyeon and Eun Byeol trailed behind their parents as they made their way to the party at the garden. As they reached the two big doors to make their entrance, they were greeted by Jungkook's family. Eun Byeol, Jungkook both looked at each other confused on why they're here. Eun Byeol, walked closer to him, "Why are you here? I thought you're with the others at the garden?"she asked looking up to his tall figure "I could ask the same thing" he chuckled, giving her a small smile. Before she could say anything, she was cut off by her Mom, "Eun Byeol dear, you'll walk down with Jungkook". She couldn't protest since it they already made their decision, She stood there awkwardly as she waited for their turn. 

First was Eun Byeol's parents, then followed by Jungkook's parents, then her brother, then Jungkook's brother, then it was finally for their turn. Jungkook offered his arm and smiled at her. Putting a smile on her face they both walked down the stairs, arms linked, as the lights focused on them. They soon, joined their families. The clapping soon stopped, as the mothers stood side by side, with big smiles on their faces "Thank you all for coming we really appreciate you coming" Jungkook's mother said " We are all here in joining these two lovebirds here..." Her mother continued. Confusion suddenly washed over the two "lovebirds?" they both whispered to each other They glanced at their fathers only to give them a stern look as their brothers mouthed "Just play along". 

Forcing smiles onto their faces, they both stood there trying to look happy and in love. " In celebrating their engagement!" Their mothers finished enthusiastically. Eun Byeol's grip tightened as she leaned her head on his shoulder before she turned her head as she tugged on his blazer "Did you know about this?" She whispered to his ear, but only earning a 'no' from him. The sound of music, chatter, and cameras, made the party livelier. The pair walked around the party talking to the guests, as their cheeks starting to feel numb of all the smiling they've been doing. "There you are!" a voice behind them said "Congratulations on your engagement! I've always knew that the two of you would end up together" Jimin's Mother said, as she caressed Eun Byeol's arm "I almost forgot! Come!" She said as she ushered Jimin and a girl to come over "I'll let you talk, I'll see you two later" Jimin's parents left the two pairs alone.

Eun Byeol sighed as they were left, she felt very uncomfortable since there was a new person around them. "Jimin" Eun Byeol and Jungkook nodded at the two in front of them. "Guy's I'd like to introduce you to Kang Hye Jeong..."  with hesitation his voice trailed off but was cut off by Hye Jeong " Model and his fiancé, its nice to finally meet you" Hye Jeong said with a cocky smile. Eun Byeol was having mixed feelings about what she just said a part of her was happy yet she's angry and confused, but with that smile and attitude the girl was giving her she felt uncomfortable. Jungkook sensed that she doesn't want to be here, he wrapped an arm around her "I'm sorry but we'll have to excuse ourselves" He excused themselves as they walked back inside. 

Eun Byeol felt like she was on the verge of tears as they headed to the house. Jungkook held her hand as some way of comfort, but before they could even head to Eun Byeol's room tears already started flowing down her cheeks. Jungkook wrapping his arms around her, as he held her close. Just around the corner, Eun Byeol's brother followed by his brother walked just around the corner, encountering the pair. The two didn't bother to ask what happened they just left without a word. "Hey" Jungkook whispered, a tear stained face Eun Byeol slowly lifted her head up from his chest, then faced him "How about we head back upstairs and talk about something else" he whispered, without hesitation she nodded. They both headed up to the master's bedroom, without noise, only the sound of their footsteps, and the music could be heard. Eun Byeol didn't mutter a word as they entered the room, she just changed washed her face then laid on the bed, still wide awake. 

Jungkook on the otherhand was busy with his phone, "Hey, stay here I'll just grab you a glass of water" He said as he made his way out. Walking down the stairs, before he could even enter the kitchen he was stopped by both of their parents "Where were you? People are looking all over for you" His father exclaimed "Eun Byeol felt a little sick so I had to take her upstairs to rest" He lied, hoping the party would end soon. Disappointed that the party would have to end earlier. Leaving him to himself, he finally got the glass of water he went to the kitchen for.

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