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"Happy Birthday dear Minjae, Happy Birthday to you!" The crowd of people sang as they stood around the boy "Happy Birthday my dear" Eun Byeol smiled at her son then placed a kiss on his temple. She watched as her son blow out his candles then smile at his father with the brightest smile. "Alright, who wants cake?" She asked the kids. Their hands shot up to the air with big smiles excited for cake. The doorbell suddenly rang catching her attention. " It's alright, I'll get the door" Jungkook said looking at her, Eun Byeol smiled and nodded " Hyeon oppa could you please help me with the cake?" She said. 

Jungkook walked towards the door, as he smiled at the guests he passes by. Opening the door, he was greeted by the smiling faces of his friends "You guys made it!" He exclaimed, as he embraced each one of them. " We wouldn't want to miss our nephew's 6th birthday" Jin said as he headed inside "also we needed a reason to get off work" Yoongi said, giggling. "Uncle!" Minjae exclaimed running towards 5 men who welcomed him with open arms. 

"Jungkook" a voice said "Jimin." Jungkook said as he stood by the door "It's been almost eight years since I last saw you at my wedding" Jungkook said. "I can go if you want, I just wanna stop by and say Happy birthday to Minjae. also to congratulate Eun Byeol with her pregnancy" Jimin said with flowers and gifts in his hands. Jungkook stood there for a few moments and stepped aside, making way for him to get inside "She would prefer if you congratulated her yourself, also I'd like to introduce you to Minjae anyway." Jimin's eyes lit up as soon he heard his words. A small smile was on Jungkook's lips as he welcomed Jimin inside the house. 

Eun byeol and her brother Hyeon, was busy attending to the children, giving out the cakes. Eun Byeol was already tired, her back was in pain, "Byeol-ah I'll handle the children, you go rest." Hyeon walked her over to a near by table and sat her down "Just sit here and look like a pretty pregnant lady" Hyeon said "Hyeon! Stop bothering you sister and help me with the children!" they heard their mother say, making them giggle. "Go on and help mom, I don't wanna overwork that old lady" Eun Byeol said shooing away her brother.  

"Congratulations on baby number 2" Someone said startling her, Eun Byeol whipped her head around looking for the voice, her eyes soon laid on Jimin's. "Oh, Jimin! I didn't expect to see you here" she said awkward air surrounding them. She was about to stand but she was soon stopped "No! Just sit, you don't need to stand" Jimin said. He handed her the bouquet of flowers and sat beside near her. "So... where have you been for eight years?" She asked staring at the children eating their cake.

The atmosphere was bright and cheerful, but not enough to cover the tension building up between the two of them "I've been busy... with work and... mostly work" Jimin said constantly glancing at her, in hopes that she was at least a bit happy to see him after all these years. "I inherited dad's company, and that's it basically" he sighed "What about Hye Jeong? How's she? don't you have kids?" Eun Byeol asked finally putting all her attention to Jimin. Eun Byeol was actually glad that he showed up to the party, she still considered him a genuine friend despite what happened between them years ago. "We didn't get married..." Eun Byeol's cheeks flushed into a light pink color from embarrassment. "Oh... um.. sorry" She said, as another awkward silence surrounded them again. "It's okay, there's no need to apologize, it was actually the best decision I've made" Eun byeol slightly smailed and sighed. "So, how long are you?" Jimin said gesturing at her belly "Oh! I'm six months in" Her eyes sparkled as she happily talked about her son and soon-to-arrive baby girl. 

Jungkook sat with the rest of the boys, across from where Eun Byeol and Jimin were chatting. The boys were playing with the other kids and Minjae. Jungkook was lost in thought, when he felt a tug on his shirt "Daddy who that man over there with Mommy?" Minjae asked, making the five boys turn their head to Jungkook's direction. Jungkook was hesitant to answer his question but sighed when he glanced at his friends. "That's your uncle Jimin" Jungkook said as he wiped cake frosting from his face. "Let's go meet him" Jungkook stood to his feet and held his son's hand and headed their way to the two. "Look who it is you must be Minjae" Jimin exclaimed as soon as the two came close. Minjae was a bit hesitant to approach, and stayed there by his father's side, hiding behind his legs. "I have gifts for you, ta daa!" Jimin said showing the wrapped presents on his hands, Minjae slowly let's go of his father's hands and slowly approached him with a shy smile. 


The party slowly came to a close and the guests and their children went their way one by one, until it was only Jungkook, Eun Byeol, Minjae,  the six boys. Eun Byeol and Jungkook was frantically walking around the house, while the six boys were playing with Minjae. " Hoseok Hyung, can you het you get these bags down to the living room for me, please? Thank you!" Jungkook said as he left the bags to Hoseok's care. "Jungkook can you help me with the shoes?" Eun Byeol yelled from upstairs in their room, making Jungkook hurry upstairs.

"Hey Minjae, do you know where mommy and daddy is taking you?" Jin asked the kid "Europe!" Minjae yelled in excitement whilst playing with his toys. "Okay let's go to the airport before we miss our flight to Paris" Eun Byeol said as she headed out the door. Jin carried Minjae, and helped Eun Byeol get inside the car, while the others helped load their bags into the car. 

They soon arrived at the airport with the press waiting for them despite it being late at night. Once again, Jin helped Eun Byeol down with Minjae in his arms, and Jungkook was busy with the bags. Before they could leave, they bid goodbye to the boys, Minjae was in Jungkook's arms, with Eun Byeol beside him. "I hope ya'll enjoy your trip, have fun!" Taehyung bid goodbye "have a safe flight" Namjoon said. then soon Eun Byeol turned to Jimin, a smile was on both of their faces as they hugged each other goodbye "I'm glad you came" She said. "Let's go?" Jungkook asked, and Eun Byeol nodded. They made their way to get inside the airport, with Minjae waving to his uncles goodbye. 

Jimin watched as the family walked away and disappear into the airport. He smiled to himself, and took in the refreshing cold air of the night. He was finally happy and content, knowing that Eun Byeol was happy, with the family she had created. He hopped into the car with the rest of the boys and drove off into the night.



Hey guys Author-nim here!!! 

so finally the end to a trilogy. i hope ya'll liked this, this is more of a filler since i was unsatisfied with the last chapter being the end. Now this is finally the official ending to this book. 

That you so much for all the support you all have been giving me, throughout this trilogy, i didnt really think this trilogy would get this so much reads and support, and i genuinely give my thanks to ya'll. 

Also I'm glad to be back to writing! I hoped yall missed me after a whole month!

anyways i wanna ask; (can be any groups/artist btw)

Who do you want me to do next?

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