Ice-Breaker (Chapter 6)

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hi, so it's been like, three years. i just reinstalled wattpad, only to realise i still get notifications? anywho. I don't think ill be continuing this, but i did write a lot of drafts that i never released. I'm going to publish those now, of course, with a little bit of editing. 

you can continue onto the story now, or keep reading my little wattpad adventure haha

sooo, i just came back, and reread all of these stories, and oh my goodness, my writing style back then, in comparison to now, was so cringe! i can't believe i even published anything! it's a little embarrassing looking back now, and i'm so tempted to delete all of my stories and pretend it never happened, but i think i'll just keep the account as is. 

nevertheless, thank you for reading, (if anyone is still here?)  and i'm sorry about being so lousy with these things. 

enjoy the last of what i wrote, like 2 years ago. With some upgrades, of course. 



A cold chill ran down your back as you were snapped out of your daydream by the loud ringing of a bell. A free period. You reopened your eyes and gazed down at the view of cars, buildings. Not a hint of nature in sight. Boredom was all you could think about. 

A building wall to wall with classrooms.

A breeze that only carries the frost of December. 

Voices of a hundred useless people.

Tsukishima Kei.
Tsukishima Kei? 

Your eyes narrowed in confusion. Your thoughts seemed to be interrupted by the infamous Moody French Fry himself. Only, without a word, he stepped over and took a seat beside you. His actions seemed rather calm, and calculated. But also reluctant. You studied his face for a moment. 

Unchanging; still. His eyes soon moved to yours, and after a moment of eye contact, the two of you gazed off at the view.  

"What do I say?"  he thought. 

and that brought a soft smile to your lips. Words are unnecessary. You only wished you could tell him that. Alike a lot of things you wished you could say. But like a rubber band slingshot, you contained your words and controlled your thoughts. 

A soft sigh escaped your lips into the cold air, and you watched the fog created disappear. It seemed he too was watching, and copied your actions. You let out a small laugh at what he did, to which, he only raised an eyebrow. "What are you laughing at?' he mumbled under his breath. 

It only made you laugh more, and such laugh was undoubtedly contagious. It brought a tiny smile to his lips, and before the two of you knew it, you were in a fit of laughter. One that melted the tension and erased any uncertainty. 

Shortly, you both calmed down. 

"Ice skating." he said, in a voice too quiet. 

You hummed softly and looked back at him, expecting him to repeat his words, and he did. "Kiyoko-senpai is taking everyone ice skating. You in or not?" 

'At last,' you thought. 'he finally asked.'

"Wouldn't mind. Should I be worried? You're not gonna trip me, are you?" you asked with a small, devious smile. "Then again, you're probably too slow~"

It seemed you got on his nerves. "You give yourself too much credit," he rolled his eyes, and slowly began to stand. "I'll see you there?" 

You gave a small nod, and in return, he did the same. 

"She'll text you the details." With that, Tsukisima Kei began to leave the school roof, leaving you alone once more. 

Perhaps you'd fallen for the idiot. Perhaps you like the way he looks, or his voice. The way he doesn't hold back. It doesn't change anything. You can't be with him, and that's how this story will end. Or at least, that's what you convinced yourself of. 

At the end of the day, all you knew was that the one and only Moody French Fry, had no intention of going from the start. He's going because of you. And the simple thought of that, left a warmth in you that you didn't even know you had. 

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