Bar Disasters

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Yet another one of these types of hangouts, bar nights. Now, Ace didn't hate them per say but the more they went to them, the weirder the experiences got. Not that it wasn't strange as it already was, knowing well how much Paul and Gene were resistant to any sort of thing involving the use of drugs or alcohol but he wasn't about to complain. They were only there for personal gain, hunting down which women to bring home from the place, but Ace couldn't give less of a shit of what the others were up to. 

As long as he had his obligatory numbing sessions he craved when the time came, no complaints were coming from him. Peter was the one most accepting of the bar nights, no surprises there, filling up on booze to however much he pleased. This made his behaviour more erratic than it already was but that didn't put an end to bar hangouts, that wouldn't happen anytime soon. But that was the thing with every trip they made to the bar, the unpredictable factor to it made it all the bit better or worse if they were caught in a bad time. It either made a world of good or one of pure destruction. There was no way of knowing that until they got the place, so they all had to wait and see.


The van came to a slow halt and the sight of the bar came into view. The others saw a completely normal place but to Ace and Peter, it came across to them as a world full of numbness and to forget about life. They had already come prepared though, well Peter for the most part. The others were getting out of the van before he slammed open the back and didn't wait for a second to bring out his usual old tricks. He stumbled outside, the alcohol bottle in his hands and on the verge of him falling. Struggling to catch his balance, he squinted at the sunlight and his complaints came along.

"Fucking shit! When the hell did the sun get so bright?!"

Staggering back to Ace in an attempt to go back into the shadows, he slumped down on the back of the van, continuing to drink. The others were less than amused with him, sighing at his behaviour and giving him dirty looks but he didn't seem to care at all, his attention far off into his own world. Ace would be annoyed with him but having his own bottle and drinking beforehand didn't help matters. Paul straightened up his collar and looked over at Peter who was still oblivious to whatever he was saying.

"Are you guys co—"

"This is what my dick looks like when it's soft!"

Without warning, he unzipped his pants and low and behold, there he was, with his dick hanging out. Jealousy filled Ace and he wasn't about to let Peter off the hook just yet. He threw the bottle onto the ground, smashing into pieces that flew everywhere but he didn't care. Doing the same thing as him, he took out his dick, stroking along it.

"Nine inches you say, that's bullshit! Mine's ten inches!"

Peter took one glance at him and went on to try to tear his reasoning down. He wasn't backing down anytime soon, his eyes narrowing and looking Ace in their daunting gaze.

"Fuck you! You'll never be better than me!"

From the looks of the others It wasn't a pleasing sight to say the least, Paul rolled his eyes and Gene was quick to say something to get them out of the situation.

"C'mon Paul, let's get away from these fucked up two," he gestured over to the door and went inside, Paul followed behind but stopped for a second at the last step.

"You two aren't welcome inside."

He whipped around and was off, out of sight.

Peter didn't take his words with much calmness, in fact, it was everything but that. He turned over to Ace with furrowed brows, eyes clearing up of the utter distaste he had for Paul. it wouldn't come as a surprise if he ever lashed out at him, but looking back on their past arguments which happened almost on a daily basis, that possibility wasn't too far out of reach. It was bound to come someday and Ace wasn't ready for that to happen, his fantasies still clinging on to the last bit of hope he had left to be able to make things work between Peter and him.

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