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SORANO arrived at Japan just a little while ago. She flew off from London, deciding to study heroics in Japan with her father. It took her mother some persuading and big fat crocodile tears and some words from her father, but the two soon managed to allow Sorano to pursue heroics.

Sorano felt her phone buzz from her pocket. She opened it and swiped the green call button.

"Baby? Have you arrived in Japan now?"

"Mama, yes, I just got off the plane. I'm on my way to meet Dad."

"It's not too late, baby. I can still help you book a flight back here... I'm sure Shouta would understand. "

Sorano sighed. "Mama, we've talked about this. I've made my decision, already... I'm not turning back." she said. Sorano heard her mother sigh on the phone

"It was worth a shot." her mother said, huffing. "You are just as stubborn as your father." which made her chuckle

From a distance, Sorano saw her father approaching and smiled widely. "Mama! I found Dad. I gotta go now." she said.

Her mother went silent for a moment. Sorano could almost see her smile, "Well, better get going then, baby. You listen to your father, okay? And call me daily." she said, almost like she was going to cry.

"Of course, Mama. I'll miss you." Sorano said, her mother sighed. "I already miss you, alright. Enjoy and take care, darling." With that, the phone call ended.

Aizawa saw her from a distance and picked up that pace. That was his daughter right there. One whom he hasn't seen for almost a year. The man wasn't the one for smiling, but on rare occasions like this, he grinned widely as the girl approached him and hugged him tightly.

"Dad!" Sorano said before letting go."I missed you!" Shouta smiled. "I missed you too, come on. How are you?" he asked.

The father and daughter duo started walking out of the airport. "Well, Mama called me earlier, actually." Aizawa raised an eyebrow."The one you're on the phone with?"

Sorano nodded. "She got worried, asked how I was, and said that it's not too late to turn back," she said, laughing. Aizawa rolled his eyes. "That woman, seriously."

Her father and mother ended things in good terms, well– more like they have always planned to end it. Even before they decided to get married. It was a lavender marriage anyway. They have been friends since middle school, and before her grandfather died, he had said he wanted to see her mother married off.

It wouldn't hurt to fulfil his dying wish so her mother and Aizawa married– a safe marriage - as well as a lavender one.

Aizawa opened the car trunk and placed her luggage inside. Soon, they entered the car. With her on the backseat and her father on the passenger seat.

"Hizashi!" Sorano all but squealed when she saw the blonde, a dear friend of her father whom she has also grown attached to. The blonde grinned at her

"Long time no see, Little Shou!" he exclaimed, clearly happy to see her. "I see you're still hanging out with dad then," she said.

Yamada laughed at that as he started the car. Aizawa grunted. "What's that supposed to mean? He asked to tag along." The man said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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