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Before you start reading, please put this into consideration that your favourite character might not be written into this book. There are MANY characters and I can't put every single one of those characters into this book.
If you don't agree with anything I write or put in this book, please leave. I don't want hate in any of my books, I would like a happy place for people to read in peace.
Thank you for your consideration!

𝕋𝕖𝕒𝕞 𝕂𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕠

- Was walking to school early.
- Thinking ways to finish your math homework before class.
- Wasn't looking where she was walking.
- Accidentally bumped into someone on the way to school.

"I-I'M SO SO SO SORRY FOR BUMPING INTO YOU!" I yelp as I bow to the person who I haven't yet seen.

"It's alright, really! Are you alright Y/n-chan?" A familiar sounding voice asks me. I look up, confused of how someone knew my name, to see Shoyo Hinata, who are in my classes, giving me a small smile of concern.

"You look dazed L/n-chan, everything alright?" Hinata asks again.

"O-oh hi Hinata-kun. I'm alright. I was just thinking about something..."

"Well if you need help, I'm always here!" He chirped. I smiled.

'He's pretty good at maths if I recall. I can just ask him to help me, and if he says yes, I can just miss club activities for today and he can help me out before class!' I give Hinata a bright smile.

"Yes, I actually do need some help."

- Was walking around the school during break.
- Wanted to play in the gym, so checked if anyone was using them quickly.
- And not to your surprise, the Volleyball boys team was there practicing.
- has somehow secretly seen some of their practices while being on the balcony in the gym without anyone's knowledge
- was about to leave until a volleyball hit her shoe
- Turned around and saw a tall boy slowly jogging towards you

"Sorry about the ball..." the tall boy murmurs to me.

"Oh it's no biggie, really!" I hand him the ball with a small smile. Both of us went quiet after I handed him the ball. I decided that I was going to have a second attempt to walk back inside the school. I turned around again and started walking off before the boy starts to speak up.

"Hey, aren't you that girl who sometimes hangs around in the gym? The one sitting in the balcony part?" I smile awkwardly towards him and nod embarrassed.

'I THOUGHT NO ONE SAW ME UP THERE! DOES HE HAVE GODDAMN EAGLE EYES?! CAUSE I SWORE THAN NO ONE COULD'VE SEEN ME FROM WHERE I WAS SITTING!' I start to lightly blush from how he new I was up there, earning a small laugh I could barely hear.

"Ahaha yep. Names Y/n L/n! Class 1-2, nice to meet you..."

"Tobio Kageyama, class 1-3. Nice to meet you too L/n-san-." Kageyama was about to say something else until someone started yelling to him from inside the gym.

"KAGEYAMA HURRY UP! I WANT TO SPIKE ONE OF YOUR TOSSES AGAIN!!!!" Kageyama faced towards the gym, grumbling something under his breath that, again, could also barely be heard. He suddenly turned around and waved his farewells to me. I give a small smile to him, also silently saying my farewells, watching him walk towards the gym before I walked off inside.

♥︎ 𝐻𝑎𝑖𝑘𝑦𝑢𝑢 𝐵𝑜𝑦𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑆𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑠 ♥︎ [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now