Fake it

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Sohinkis POV

i opened my eyes to the harsh sunlight coming in through the window. I felt a set of arms tighten around my waist and i smiled. i looked down at the mess of dark red hair and mari smiled up at me.
"You doing okay?" I asked, kissing her head.
she nodded and snuggled into me.
i raised an eyebrow. "you sure?"
there was a few minutes of silence before she finally answered.
"What do i do?" she asked. "what do i do about joven? About the baby? how am i supposed to deal with all this?" She looked at me.
i sighed. "Decide to be fine til the end of the week. Make your self smile because your alive and thats your job. Then do it again the next week."
she sat up and looked down at her hands, then back at me. "So... fake it?"
"I call it being professional. Do it right and with a smile. Or dont do it at all." i kissed her forehead.
she sighed and layed back down. "i cant believe i lost him..." she said quietly.
"I know it sucks mari.. we all lose people we love but we cant let it get to us. we have to mourn for our loved ones but then move forward." i looked at her. "you cant be sad forever. And im not saying to just forget he ever existed. remember the good and the bad times you shared and keep him alive in your heart. But dont get stuck on the past.." i looked down at her and noticed she started to cry.
"thanks, matt.." she said.
"for what?" I asked, wiping her cheek.
"for being here for me.. i would go crazy if i didnt have you in my life.." she smiled at me and kissed me.
i pulled away and said those 3 little words that ive wanted to say for 3 years... even though they are just 8 simple letters, they have so much meaning behind them. "i love you.."
her eyes lit up and she practicly jumpped on my lap. she pressed her lips against mine in a sweet and passionate kiss. when she pulled away, she said the same 3 words back... "i love you too.."
my heart skipped a beat and my only instinct was to kiss her.
so i did.

ians POV

"iannnnnnn." anthony said in a sing-songy voice. "wake upppppp i made breakfasttttt!!"
I groaned and squeezed my pillow. "5 more minutes!"
i heard the floor creak followed by a gentle and soft pair of lips on my cheek. i smiled and opened my eyes to see anthonys chocolate brown eyes staring at me.
"I made breakfast.." he whispered.
i grinned and wrapped my legs around his waist and brought my lips to his neck. i kissed up and down his neck and he giggled. "i didnt mean meeeee!"
i smirked. "but i love anthony for breakfast." i continued to kiss his neck as i ran a hand down his bare back. he shivered. I rolled us over so i was on top of him and i gently kissed down his chest but stopping at the waist band of his boxers. i flashed a smile up at him as i proceded to pull his boxers down.
"our breakfast is gonna get cold.." he whispered, out of breath.
"let it get cold." i whispered, as i gently grasped him.
he let out a low gasp and his eyes fluttered closed. i smirked as i continued to do what i was doing.
"Babe..." he whispered, already gasping for air.
i smiled and kissed up his chest, while my hands were busy. I gently kissed him and tugged on his bottom lip and he let out a soft moan.
"screw breakfast.." he whispered as he pulled my boxers off, flipped me on my back and sat on my lap. i shivered at the touch of his cold skin against mine. His hands traveled down my chest and towards my crotch.

maris POV

i sat on the couch and looked down at my hands.
"mari?" Janice asked.
"hmm?" I looked up at her.
"i asked you how you were doing about everything." she said.
i shrugged. "its hard to explain."
janice sighed and leaned forward. "i know what your feeling, mari."
i looked down. "Oh really? How?"
She set her notebook down next to her and sighed. "its like your screaming. But no one can hear. You almost feel ashamed that someone is so important that without them, you feel like nothing. No one will ever understand how much it hurts. You feel hopeless, like nothing can save you. And now that its over and its gone, you almost wish you can have all that bad stuff back so that you can have the good."
I blinked at her and bit my lip. "pretty much.."
janice sighed and sat back in her chair. "its ok to want him back, mari. i would want him back especialy because of the baby.."
i wiped my cheek and kept my eyes down.
she nodded. "hows everything else? Hows sohinki?"
I smiled. "hes good."
"Good. good." Janices voice trailed off.
"do you think sohinkis right to tell me to fake being okay?" I said quietly and looked at janice.
she nodded slowly. "what did he say exactly?" She asked, curiously.
"he said i should decide to be fine until the end of the week and smile because im alive and its my job. then do it again the next week. and that its not called 'faking it', its called being professional and to do it right with a smile or bot at all and maybe living isnt for everyone." I finished and wiped a few tears away.
"hes right." janice said, crossing her legs. "living isnt for everyone."
i looked at her in shock. "are you telling me to kill myself?"
"Oh dear no. i never said that." janice spoke quietly. "i only said living isnt for everyone and its your choice to do whatever you want with what we discussed today." she glanced down at her watch and stood. "speaking of, our session is up for the day. ill see you next week, mari?"
I nodded and opened the door, and left the room.
i walked out to the waiting room and sohinkis face lit up when he saw me.
"ready to go?" He asked.
i nodded and went out to the car. The car ride was silent and as soon as we got to sohinkis apartment, i went straight for the bedroom.
i laid on the bed and i was about to break down, as the door slowly creaked open.
"mari?" Sohinkis voice was soft and i barley heard it. i turned towards the door.
"huh..?" I mumbled.
"you okay?" He whispered.
i nodded. "Just tired."
sohinki slowly stepped towards me and gave me a soft and long kiss on my forhead and i smiled.
"sleep okay?" He whispered.
I nodded and layed back down in bed, with my back to the door.
i heard the door click shut behind me and tears rushed down my face. I buried my face in a pillow and stayed like that, sobbing uncontrolably for god knows how long.
i sat up and looked around the room. i got up and slowly walked to the bathroom. i flicked the lights on and looked at myself in the mirror. my hair was a mess. my eyes were red and puffy. my cheeks were red. my makeup was smeared down my cheeks. i looked like a hot mess, but minus the hot and triple the mess.
i opened the cabinet and glared at the shiney piece of metal on the shelf. I picked it up and ran my finger along the sharp end. i winced in pain as deep red blood leaked from my finger. i sighed and rolled up my left sleeve. I ran my finger along the faded scars already there.
i havent done this since i met joven.. No one even knew about any of my self harm past except joven. hes the reason i stopped for 3 years and now... and now i couldnt help it.
i took a deep breath and pressed the razor blade to my wrist and pulled it down. i winced in pain and watched as blood dripped down from my cut, down my elbow, and into the sink.
"mari...?" Sohinkis voice made me jump, and i dropped the blood covered blade on the floor.

depressing turn much...? Hope you guys enjoyed! And follow me if you havent already to become an honorary psychopath of the murder house!! Also leave a vote/comment and make sure to check out my other stories!! Ill see you at the next psychopath convention!!

Rest In Pieces,

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