Blood and blades

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Sohinkis POV

"mari?" my eyes widened as she jumped. i watched as the piece of metal dropped from her fingertips onto the floor, followed by a drop of blood dripping from her elbow. "mari what are you doing..."
mari held her bloody wrist as tears ran down her cheeks and she dropped to her knees. "i miss him so much..." she said in between sobs.
i kneeled down next to her and held her in my arms. its ok, mari.." I kissed her head and rubbed her back. "just please dont do that..."
she nodded and i helped her onto the toilet. she shook and i rummaged through the cabinets looking for gauze and peroxide. i kneeled down in front of her and gently held her arm. I poured peroxide on the cuts and she winced in pain. she gripped the sleeve of my shirt with her good arm and squeezed. i wrapped the gauze around her arm and i looked at her when i finished. "mari...?"
Maris eyes remained on her bandaged arm. "What..." she spoke softly.
i sighed. "mari why?" I asked her.
she shook her head.
"mari... please?"
she looked me staright in the eye. "You wouldnt understand, matt. even if i explained everything thats going through my head you still wouldnt understand."
"thats not true, mari." I said.
she shook her head. "yes it it.." she got up and left the bathroom, leaving me kneeling in front of the toilet. I followed her and watched as she got undrest and laid in bed with her back to me. i sighed and slowly got in behind her and hugged her waist. I rested my head on her sholder and sighed. "Please dont do that mari.. i care about you and i dont like to see you so upset. I get that you lost joven and he ment alot to you and im so sorry you lost him the way you did. But i lost him too. we all did and he was a brother to me and it feels like shit without him. but you cant leave me too.."
It was quiet for a few minutes until i heard mari sniffle. she turned around so she was facing me and grabbed the sides of my face, pulling me in for a kiss.
she pulled away and whispered, "i wont leave you..."
"promise?" i whispered.
she smiled. "promise."
i hugged her waist and pulled her closer, gently kissing her.

anthonys POV

"wheres mari?"
"shes uhh.. shes not feeling well." sohinki hesitated.
i raised an eye brow. "okk."
we started recording and i did the intro this time. " whats up guys! so today mari isnt feeling too great so its today its me, ian, lasercorn, wes, sohinki, and dany. so today we are playing just dance 2015 and the 2 losers, as always, shall dance a romantic duet."
"in a dress?" dany asked.
lasercorn turned to me and smiled. "hes learning quickly!"
we all laughed and started the game.
the losers wound up being dany and ian. "dont get jelly, anthony!" lasercorn shouted from the other side of the row of chairs. i rolled my eyes.
"whats their ship name?" wes asked. "danian? iany?"
"i like iany." ian said, while he walked in in a red sundress with white lace of the bottom. it also had a white bow on the back.
dany walked in a few minutes after ian. his dress was a black dress with blue roses all over it.
"whats iany?" dany asked, fixing his boxers under his dress.
"thats your ship name with ian." lasercorn said.
"whats a ship name...?" dany asked.
we all laughed, including me until i realized he was joking. "your serious?"
he nodded slowly. "im kind of new to the whole youtube thing."
"its a name of 2 people fans come up with. and its called a ship name because people 'ship' 2 people and kind of like make up names if they were in a relationship. like me and ians name is ianthony. and lasercorn and ian are iancorn. mari and joven are marishire." i froze. "i-i didnt mean to say the last one." i stuttered.
everyone, mostly sohinki, looked at me in shock.
well sohinkis look was move of a 'i will muder you' glare.
"whos joven again?" dany asked. "isnt he the one who was killed before i came onto the channel?"
and with that, sohinki stood up, walked out the door, and slammed it behind him. ian sighed and was about to go after him, until i stopped him. "i got it..."
i walked out the door, closing it behind me, and saw sohinki sitting in the confrence room. i sat next to him. "you okay?" i asked.
he was quiet.
"matt..." i gently set my hand on his. "im sorry about dany. he wasnt here when we lost joven so he doesnt understand its a sensative topic."
"it doesnt fucking matter! we explained to him when he first came here yet he still asks us what happened to him!" sohinki pulled his hand back in the middle of yelling.
"i lost him too, matt." i said, calmly.
"but he wasnt as important to me as he was to you! he was like a brother to me! ive known him for 6 years!"
"matt.. im sorry." i pulled him in for a hug and sohinki pulled away.
"just stop, ant.." sohinki stood, and left the room.
i sat there for a few minutes before going back to the smosh room.
"is he okay?" dany asked when i came in.
"i think he went home." i sat down next to ian.
"looks like we cant finish this. we will just scrap this a record somthing tomorrow." ian said, as he wrapped his hand around mine.
"can we go home then?" lasercorn asked.
ian nodded. "sure just come back tomorrow at 12."
lasercorn nodded and left, and so did everyone else except me and ian.
"do u wanna go home?" i asked ian.
he shrugged. "i guess."

"kay. get out of that dress and lets go." i smiled and kissed his forhead.
"what do u mean? dont i look pretty?" he stood up and twirled around.
i smiled. "youd be a sexy girl, babe."
ian smied at me and straddled my lap. "would i really?" he whispered, as he kissed my neck.
i held his waist and giggled. "you would."
ian faced me and smiled. he kissed my lips and my eyes fluttered closed and his hand slipped under the back of my shirt. he tired to pull it off and i giggled. "babe someone might come in."
he grinned at me and whisered in my ear. "ill take the risk.."

hey guys! sorry i havent really had the motivation to actually sit down and write a chapter and with holiday break i was busy and shit. my birthday passed a few days ago and im finally 17! ^.^ But vad news no one showed up to my birthday party except my best friend and my gf dumped me... :/ whoopie.. awsome birthday.

anyway guys, enough depressing shit. hope you guys enjoyed your winter break and i hope you guys all had an awsome christmas and new years!!

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