𝗯𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝘀 | 𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗮

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Hilda Valentine Goneril was more than she let on; knew more information about people in a blink of an eye than others could decipher in a lifetime; put effort into the more minuscule details than ones which stood outright to her peers; was strong and able and could wield an axe as if it were a part of her skin.

Nevertheless, she did not show it.

When she entered into the holy walls of Garreg Mach Monastery, she thought it would be easy—thought that, like before, no one would be able to see past the heavily guarded walls she had so carefully crafted—and that everyone would bend over backwards just to see her desires fulfilled. And for a while, Hilda got away with it.

A few jobs here and there would be done for her: swapping partners, doing her field work, taking over stable duty . . . but she got bored, almost too easily and that fact made her feel even worse. It was too facile, being lazy, especially when they were willing however there was one person who she was still figuring out how to crack.

Byleth, in his own stoic kind of way, was just like her, spoilt, but in a way where he was completely unaware of. Close to everybody was inclined to help him, would come up to him and practically beg him to give them a chore to complete, and, although he declined at first, always ended up giving them what they wanted. So why when Hilda asked to be removed from the battle line up did he refuse her so abruptly? And without a second thought too?

'You're strong, Hilda,' he says, as they sit under the canopy in the monastery courtyard. 'Why would I sit you on the sidelines?'

'Ah, well, you see, professor—'

Coming up with an excuse this time was harder than she thought. Those stoic eyes seemed to read her every thought and knew the card she was going to play before she even had the chance to put it down. If she was going to come up with a pliable excuse, she was going to have to spin it with a half-truth.

'—I heard you were going to bench (Y/n).'

'What has that got to do with you wanting to sit out?'

'Well, if she's not there, then I can't be my best can I?'

That part was true enough. (Y/n) always seemed to find a way to bring out the best in her and it had been that way for as long as she could remember. Since childhood, when they were introduced to each other by their fathers during council, and from then on they were inseparable.

Hilda wasn't sure when it started but she found herself unconsciously looking for her in almost every practise. And although she found the whole training process tiresome, somehow being so close to her made it all the more bearable. Like when they were younger, (Y/n) was always there to pick her up again, to heal her and fight for her in her stead when the time came to do so, and her adroit nature only grew as they got older. Still she saved her every time, made excuses for her, did her chores, helped her get stronger without telling the others, and it had become so much of a recurrence that she feared the day when she would not have her by her side.

Byleth smirks. 'So, you're telling me if I bench (Y/n), I'll have to bench you too?'


'And you say you don't need to be mollycoddled.'

Hilda blushes at the comment. 'I don't! I just like having her around, is all!'

'She does everything for you. Sounds a lot like being babied to me.' Byleth sips his tea. 'Whether (Y/n) is there or not, you're doing the mock battle. If you really need her around, I'll let her cheer you on from the sidelines. But apart from that my mind is made up.'

Huffing, she rises. 'I suppose this truly was a wasted tea time.' Hilda bows to Byleth and makes leave, not finishing neither her tea nor her lemon cakes. A part of her felt as if she were acting petulant, storming away from him like some chastised child, but, in truth, she had never been good at handling a situation when it didn't go in her favour.

Stupid professor, she thought. Stupid school, stupid mock battle, stupid—

'If you scowl like that anymore you'll get early wrinkles.'

Hilda snaps out of her anger at the sound of her voice. '(Y/n).'

She chuckles. 'What's gotten you so huffy? Did Teach ignore your whines again?'

'Please don't tease me,' she whines. 'This is all your fault!'

(Y/n) smirks. 'Oh?' She grabs at Hilda's wrist and pulls her into her and Hilda mentally thanks the Goddess that they are hidden behind one of the more secluded monastery walls, shaded by the penumbra. 'What have I done this time?'

'You didn't work hard enough! Now I've got to do the battle on my own!'

'So, that's why you're pouting. You couldn't bare being away from me.'

'That's not—'

She hums in question. 'It's funny,' she begins, lifting Hilda's chin up so they are finally looking at each other. 'Everyone thinks you've got me wrapped around your little finger.' (Y/n) leans in closer to her and she can feel her breath brushing against her lips. 'I wonder what they would do if they realised it was the other way around?'

'Y-you're wrong,' she stutters. 'I've got you too!'

(Y/n) rests her head against Hilda's. 'But I've got you now,' she says.

In truth, Hilda was embarrassed. Embarrassed by (Y/n)'s honesty and feigned indifference at her proclamation and open admittance to their relationship, something she always found difficult to say aloud. It wasn't as though she hated it; it was more the fact that she didn't want anyone else to know she did, in fact, have weaknesses.

'I know you don't like it when I ask other people for favours,' she begins. 'But I just wanted to be with you. I thought if I could convince the professor to let you join, then we would be able to fight side by side . . . I guess it truly did backfire, huh?'

(Y/n) looks down at Hilda, her features softening at her admittance. 'I wish you'd have told me,' she says. 'But you know I'm always with you even when I'm not by your side.'

'I know but I can still try.'

She lets out a soft laugh. 'When you feel like that next time, try not to annoy Teach with your neediness.'

Hilda smiles, cheekily. 'You love it though.'

She hums. 'Doesn't mean I want you proclaiming it to everyone else.'

'You're jealous.'

'Perhaps. But I know I'm the only one you'll let do this to you.'


(Y/n) leans down and presses her lips against Hilda's—a short but passionate brush of mouths that made her weak in the knees. Everytime (Y/n) kisses her, she always yearns for more but without the safety of their chamber walls, she knows these sort of moments can only be brief. And when the magic breaks and Hilda opens her coral eyes, she knows that there's no one else's side she'd rather stand by.

'I'll be rooting for you no matter where I am.' She licks the birthmark behind her ear and she shivers at the feeling of her tongue against her skin. 'Hildy.'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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