Chapter 6

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Skylar's POV

When we get down there Jess's dad was already there, Jess goes and hugs him and sighs when he says her demon brothers of hers aren't here, hey her words not mine. Dad introduces me to Liv's dad and I go into the kitchen to check on dinner once one of maids tells me just a few more minutes I come back to the living room where everyone is seated I go to a couch with just Liv and Jess on it and lean on it and smirk when I see Liv subtly looking from my face down to my Chest and I chuckle and when she hears it she gulps and returns her attention to the Beta

" Hey, Sky long time no see" Jess's dad says to me

" Hey, Mr.Gordon yeah Jess has been hanging out over here more often especially now because of the twins and Rick" I say

" Yeah, speaking about that, Gabriel have y-"

" Hey look! Dinners ready" Dad says rather loudly I make a face at my dad and raise my eyebrow he chuckles nervously and goes to kitchen

We all sit down at the table my dad at the head with Liv's dad next to him at his left and me at his right, Jeremy is next to with Olivia across from him and then her brothers then the older brother with his wife and daughter and across is Jen and Mr. Gordon

" Gabriel, When are we gonna y'all business?" The room went quiet and my dad stopped the fork with meat on it near his face

" Later, We're eating" if anything went wrong we wouldn't want to ruin anyone's appetite is what he normally say or what he meant anyways. We continue eating in silence Jess giving me a glance every now and then and Olivia and I stealing glances at each other every couple of minutes. My dad finishes eating and gets up, Liv's dad follows, then Jess's dad

" Good Luck," Jess says to me I nod and go after them. I went into the office where dad was sitting in his chair and Liv's dad and Jess's dad were across I leaned on the wall next to them

" Your daughter goes to Hawkins Academy, right?"

"Yes, She just started there today"

"She's a friend of mine, dad" he looks at me and nods his face more soft then before

" What about Jason? Your firstborn why isn't he the future Alpha?"

" family problems"

" Explain"

" I-"

" Private, dad" I say and he looks at me

" Fine, you don't have to answer that" he says

" How many are in your pack?"

" 40, all the men have been trained and most of the women have too the rest of the woman are medically trained, also most of us are rogues... and vampires and 2 witches" shit. My dad remains calm which is kinda new

" excuse me?" My dad said

" I can vouch for all of them, the minimum any of them have been in the pack is 5 years, and all of the witches joined because they are Mated to someone in the pack and most of the vampires are too" I can see that Liv's dad is getting desperate because he's just rambling now

" Can we have a minute?" I ask they leave and I sit in front of my dad, we sit in silence since he seems to be thinking about it

" What do you think?" He asks me

" I think Vampires are cool" I say and he gives me a "seriously" look

"Fine, Fine I think they could be a really good addition to the pack, I mean come on think about it dad, Witches, and blood-sucking creatures must make pretty good soldiers and they could make the pact with the given of witches near" he nods and I smile

" Fine call them in"

" Thanks dad, btw. We need to talk about what Jess's dad was talking about" he looks away, yeah I have a feeling whatever it is I'm not going to like it. I call them in and they talk some more and dad tells Liv's dad they can join and they talk about me and Liv becoming great friends, If only they knew. I leave the room and leave the men in there and Liv's older brother and his wife are on the couch playing with their daughter, Jess and Liv are on the stairs talking and the rest are still on the kitchen table talking. I go over to the stairs and they let me through and I sit behind them

" How'd it go?" Liv asks me worried

" Pretty good, I'm exhausted though"

"That's great, you should relax" Liv tells me

" I will, After my dad tells me what's going on, did you guys notice when he tried to hide the question your dad, Jess asked?"

" No I noticed it too, he was away almost the whole summer and he goes away to business trips pretty often too huh?"

" yeah" i stay silent wondering what's going on when dad, Jess's dad, and Liv's dad come out of the office. We hang out a little more but then they leave and Liv gives me a kiss on the cheek

" Sorry, Jess but you have to go home"

" Ughh those twins are actual demons and Rick is... Rick, he's annoying and he eats all the food"


" yeah yeah i gotta go, see ya tomorrow Sky" she hugs me and leaves practically dragging her feet

Dad is in the living room sitting on the couch, I sit on the coach next to his and look at him expectantly

" Ok, umm, during the summer when I was at one of my meetings I met... Someone"

" Ok you met a woman, are you dating her? Dad you know I'm good with this what's the big deal?"

" uh because I married her..." I raise an eyebrow and silently stare at him? I sigh

" Who?" Why didn't he tell me?

" Uh, Roselyn Lennox" Thats why...

"What?! as in mother of Charleston Lennox, Chase!"

" yeah, I'm sorry Bunny, I-I love her"

" Dad... is she even your second chance mate?"

" Yeah, she is but I'd marry even if she wasn't"

" Fine,"

" they're uh coming here tomorrow" I sigh and nod

" okay, Love ya dad I'm gonna go ahead and go to sleep" he nods and I go upstairs

Chase Lennox huh?...

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