Chapter 7: Chase Lennox

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           Skylar's POV

" Skylar!" I jump ready to pounce

" Hey! Hey! It's just me" Jeremy says, I relax and shoo him. I get in the shower and get ready

I get a text and I look at my phone

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I get a text and I look at my phone

Jess: Pick me up??
Me: ofc, be there in 10
Jess: thx

I get in my car and head towards Jess's house. Jess runs out of the house and gets in my car. I drive to school and we get out of the car

" So... What's up? You seem out of it"

" My dad told me he got married during the summer"

" Dang, and he didn't even tell you"

" That's not even the worst part, he got married to Roselyn Lennox"

" Is he coming back?"

" apparently, they're going to live with us too"

" well you two were friends once,"

" Yeah and we used to get so wasted we ended up in Cali one time, We live in New York Jess, New York!, we stayed there the whole weekend and came back Monday"

" How'd you even get there to begin with?"

" Even to this day, I have no idea. Best bet is we took one of our parent's private jet" she nods

" You two are like twins-"

" We were"

" Come in Skylar, you two were basically already siblings, to begin with, it won't be so bad" I just shrug. A car comes racing in and parks. I know that car

 I know that car

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" Skylar!"

" Charleston"

" Oh come on are you still mad at your best mate?"

"Chase, Leave me alone"

" Sky, We are going to live together, we have to figure this out"

" Sure" I nod to Jess and we go inside

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