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  "Climbing up stairs in heels isn't easy. At all."

I was struggling hard to keep up with his pace as he sprinted up the stairs.

"Will you please slow down?"

He laughed.

Oh god, such a sweet sound.

"We are almost here."

"Really? You have been saying that for the last three floors."

He still wouldn't slow down.

"Bit of an exaggeration there, Olivia. We have just climbed one floor."

Okay, yes. Whatever. If he had been walking in heels, he would have known the pain.

"Come on, we are here."

I reached a couple seconds later than he did, and by the time I could appreciate what was in front of me, it felt like I had already broken my calcaneus.


This. Is. Insane.

The rooftop exhibits the open sky. A million stars light it. My breath gets caught in my throat.

This is more beauty than what I am capable of absorbing.

This is more beauty than what I deserve to witness.

"There is a silence here that I never want interrupted." I spoke to myself, trying very hard not to blink and miss even a moment of this.

"The stars are smiling at us. Can you see it?

I heard him come closer from somewhere. "May be they are smiling just at you." His voice was soft.


I was aware of his hand on my spine, nudging me forward. That was again a different kind of sensation altogether.

Dangerous territory. Red alert!

"Let's take you closer there-", he pointed at the edge of the roof, "-the view is unrivalled."

He could not be more correct.

In front of me lay the campus of Yale. It wasn't late into the night, so the lights were still turned on. They felt like little specks of splattered paint on a black canvas.

Tiny heads were visible. The roads were lined by the continuous motion of fast cars. Little figures walked, some went inside the buildings, some walked out.

Life went on.

"It's crazy how you can see them, but not hear them. The world is muted as you watch in slow motion. Is it just me, or has time stopped?"

"You have a way with words."

I smiled.

"Wanted to be a writer."

"And then? What are you doing here?"

I really don't want to miss even a second of what this place has to offer me. The chill in the wind was just the cherry on top.

"Are you cold?"

I finally looked at him. Smiled, and shook my head. "I do need a hair tie, though", I laughed.

All the wind was just messing with my hair. I wouldn't be feeling hungry in quite some time with the amount of locks that have entered into my oral orifice.

Very funny, sweetie. Come, here is your award.

"You didn't answer me."

I can feel his eyes on me, and I don't know how to react.

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