Chapter Six

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Ding Dong

Riele's POV:

"I-I should uhh go get that" I said blushing 
"Uhh y-yeah I'm gonna get a water" Jace said walking to the kitchen with his head down but I could see the red tint on his cheeks making me smile

After Jace left I went to open the door but all I could think of was Jace and the kiss we almost had. When I opened the door I saw Thomas

"Thomas??, what are you doing here and how are you here" I said shocked how he found my address
"Oh uhh got your address from a good friend of ours...but I was wondering if I could stay here just for a few days" He asked
"Uhhh sure" I said a little skeptical but still letting him in because he's still my friend
"Riele who's at the doo-, oh it's you" Jace said coming towards the door with an annoyed look
"Hey its that guy from the beach" Thomas said smiling
"Thomas, Jace, Jace, Thomas" I said introducing them to each other
"Hey, nice to meet you Jace" Thomas said to Jace
"Yeah hey" Jace said dryly
"Ummm well let me show you where you'll be staying"
"Staying?!" Jace said eyes widened
"Yeah staying, is that a problem" Thomas said with a sly smirk
"Yeah that's-" Jace said starting to step up to Thomas
"No that's not a problem....Jace can I see you in the kitchen for a minute" I said stepping in front of Jace before whatever was going on could escalate
"But-" Jace started saying but I cut him off
"Nowww" I said sternly grabbing his hand and leading him into the kitchen
"Jace what the hell was that" I asked
"Riele there's something about that guy" Jace said
"Jace I've known him for years if there was something wrong with him I think I would of noticed" I said
"But" He started to say but I stopped him
"Jace please be nice to him.....please for me" I asked him pleading
"...Ughhh fine" He grumbled
"Thank you" I Said smiling and gave him a hug
We left the kitchen and back to Thomas
"Everything alright" Thomas asked me
"Yeah, come on I'll show you your room now" I told him making him follow me

Jace's POV:

While they were walking away Thomas put his hand around Riele shoulder and started telling her something in her ear making her laugh.

"Son of a bitch" I mumbled under my breath
"Did you say something Jace" Riele asked turning towards me 
"No.." I said looking down
"You sure" Thomas said making me look up just to see his ugly ass smirk
"Yes I'm sure" I said gritting my teeth while my hands were balling into fist ready to punch that smirk right off
"Oh I forgot to let Ajax outside I'll be right back" Riele says after we hear little scratches on the door and whimpering
"Ok" Thomas said smiling at her
"Please hurry" I whispered to her
"You said you would be nice" She whispered back to me
"I'll try" I said rolling my eyes while she walked away

"Sooo Jace" Thomas started to talk to me
"What" I said rudely, I was already annoyed with him
"Is Riele dating anyone" He asked with that same damn smirk
"" I tried to say but got interrupted by Riele
"I'm back" She said smiling
"Uhh Riele can I ask you a question alone" Thomas asked
"Uhh sure...Jace I'll catch up with you later" She said and led him into a spare bedroom
"Damnit" I said to myself once I knew they were out of ear shot

With Ella and Sean

Sean's POV:

Gosh I love having a secret girlfriend all the sneaking around reminds me of high school...well that is if I would have gotten a girlfriend. We've been getting to know each other better and going places at night together it's honestly the best. We were watching a movie but we got a little sidetracked so now we're just making out and lemme tell you it's amazing. have I mentioned I love having a secret girlfriend.

"I gotta go before someone notices" Ella said pulling away and starting to sit up from my lap
"But you just got here" I said smiling while pulling her back
"I've been here for over an hour" She said giggling
"So what, you can stay five more minutes" I said while kissing her neck
"Let me just check on Riele and I'll come right back ok" She said pushing me back gently
"Okayyyy, but hurry" I said with a sigh
"I will, I promise" She said giving me one last kiss

Ella's POV:
Sooooo I like have the best boyfriend to ever exist he's literally so different from all my past ones, they didn't really care about me only who I could get them connected with... but Seans different he actually cares and I'm super happy with him. I plan to tell everyone about us soon I just wanted to make sure that this was gonna work out first and now that I am I will. But right now imma see what's up with Riele I haven't heard from her in a while. As I left Sean's room I saw Jace walking towards me and he looked pretty upset so I decided to ask him what was wrong.

"Hey Jace, what's wrong you look pretty upset" I asked him with a worried look
"Ohh hey Ella and I'm not upset" He said
"Yes you are just tell me why, I might be able to help you" I said
"......fine, come with me" He said leading me into his bedroom
"I might have a tiny tiny little crush on Riele" He said shyly
"I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT" I said smiling and hopping up and down
"Shhhhh would ya" He said putting his hands on my shoulders to get me to stop hopping
"Sorry, but then what's the problem" I asked  confused on why he was upset to begin with
"The guy from the beach, Thomas or whatever is staying here for a few days, and I think he's planning on making a move on Riele but I know he knows I like her too" He said his fists starting to ball up
"WHAT, wait do you know when he's going to be making a move on Riele" I asked shocked
"I think he's doing it right now" He said to me
"Well then lets go" I said starting to walk towards the door
"Where are we going" He said cluelessly
"To go stop Thomas, he's my friend and all but I think you and Riele are better for each other and I know that Riele thinks so too, so let's go fool" I said while grabbing his arm and dragging him along
"Ok ok I'm coming" He said quickening his pace

With Riele and Thomas
Riele's POV:

"So what did you need to ask me that we needed to go somewhere alone" I asked him confused
"I needed to ask you if you where dating anyone cause I really like you" Thomas said to me with a small smile
"Uhhhhh..... look Thomas you're a really good guy but I kinda like someone else already... sorry" I said trying to let him down in the easiest way possible
"It's okay I just need to do something really quick" He said stepping towards me which made me kinda nervous
"What's tha-" I said but before I could finish he rushed towards me, pinned me to the wall and started kissing me
I tried to push him off but he was too strong but then I heard the door bust open
"Jace" I said once Thomas let me go
"What the fuck" Jace said
"Jace I can explain" I said but before I could He interrupted me
"I -I need to go for a walk" Jace said softly walking away
"Jace wait please" I said grabbing his hand
"Just leave me alone" He said pulling his hand away while walking quicker
"Why the fuck would you do that Thomas" I said anger clearly present
"Its the least you could give me after shutting me down and if I cant have you he definitely can't have you" Thomas said with a smirk
"What the fuck is wrong with you disgusting piece of shit get the hell out of my house" I said now beyond angry
"Sure Rie but I'll be back eventually" He said leaving
"Great just fucking great" I said
"Wow that was fucking terrible, that boy is now number one on my hate list" Ella said behind me angry as well
"Ella you were here the whole time" I asked surprised "Yep" She said looking at me nodding
"So you heard everything right" I asked
"Yep, pretty much" She said
"That's great you can talk to Jace for me and tell him it was all a misunderstanding" I said with a smile
"Nope" She said while she was moving towards the  bed making my smile drop
"What you mean nope" I asked her confused
"You have to tell him, I'll back you up but you have to tell him. It'll be better if it comes from you directly" She said getting up from the bed
"But he won't listen to me" I said to her
"Make him listen" She said making me side eye her
"And how do I do that" I said
"I don't know figure it out" She said shrugging her shoulders
"Great advice El" I said rolling my eyes
"Anytime, byeeeee" She said walking out the room
"Fuck my life" I said to myself while falling onto the bed

Outside with Jace
Jace's POV:

Why the fuck would she do that we literally almost kissed like the fuck. Maybe I should just keep my feelings hidden until I'm sure I won't get hurt and she actually likes me too, I think it will be for the best. Right?

A/N- That's it for chapter six it's finally out after such a long time sorry for the long wait, I think I might change the writing style but I don't know yet but anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will be updating again sometime next week or maybe sooner but not sure also thanks for 2k readers it really means a lot to me don't forget to vote and comment byeeeeeeee😜

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