The party

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Zara was a beautiful young teenage girl who had a best friend called Hadiyah. Hadiyah was a revert. Zara and hadiyah did everything together.

One day Hadiyah was invited to a party. It was The Jock Adams Birthday. The problem was the party was at night. Adam told Hadiyah to bring Zara. Hadiyah asked Zara, Zara said ok but she had to ask her dad. Her dads answer was no because it was at night. Zara tried everything to try and make Adam turn it into a day party but he had already told half the school. The reason Zara wanted to go is so she can have her life back but since her mum died (of cancer) she had to take care of her dad. Zara decided to sneak out. At 7.30pm Zara told her dad she is going to bed her dad said ok. At 8.00pm Zara snuck out . Across the road was Hadiyah in a car but whos car? It was zakariya's (The boy Hadiyah had a crush on). With a guilty conscious they went of to the party. 

As they approached they saw Adam.                                                                                                                        "Hey,how are you?" said Adam                                                                                                                            "Hey, Im fine thanks" said Zakariya whilst giving a present.                                                                           "Sorry Adam i couldnt get you much" Said Zara whilst handing over a gift. "This is from me and Hadiyah" she added.                                                                                                                                                 "You shouldnt have." Adam replied                                                                                                                          They all went inside. Everybody was dancing an having fun. Hadiyah an Zakariya went to dance. They left Zara all alone. Zara was just looking around an saw Adam. Adam was all alone so Zara went up to him.                                                                                                                                               " Why you all alone?" Asked Zara.                                                                                                                       "I dont know." He replied                                                                                                                                         "Wanna dance?" He smiled.                                                                                                                                 " Why not?" she replied. So off they went to dance they danced all night. Not remembering Zara fell asleep in Adams house. At 3.00am in the morning Zara came to her sences and remembered her dads at home alone she ran home.

Zara snuck back in her home and went to her dads room an saw he was sleeping so Zara went to bed. At 6.45am Zara woke up to do wudu and pray Fajr. After praying she went upstairs to check on her dad he usually woke up for Fajr but today he did not. She thought her dad was probably really tired. Zara went downstairs to make Breakfast. After eating she watched tv and did some housework. By this time it was 10am. Her dad had still not woken so she went upstairs and called her dad.    "Papa, Papa get up." He still did not get up. Zara got worried so she called the Paramedics. The Paramedics got her in less than 15 miniutes.                                                                                                 "What seems to be the problem here?"                                                                                                            "My dad hes not waking up!" She cried                                                                                                              The Paramedics ran to her dads room.        an hour later                                                                                      "Im sorry my child Your dad..........Has passed away." He said sadly. Zara Fell to the ground. She cried and cried.

A week later Hadiyah came her house and asked why she'd been missing school. Zara explained. Both of them shared a hug. Zara started to stay in Hadiyahs house since she had no where else to stay. Later that week everyone in school found out.                                                                                       "Im so sorry for your lost" Said Adam. Zara grabbed Adam and hugged him. When Zara let go they both gazed into eachothers eyes. They instantly fell in love.                                                                      "Zara I love you, ive always had this thing for you i dont know what it is but when ever your around my heart starts racing." He confessed                                                                                                                 "I love you two, I've never felt this way for anyone just you i dont know what it is about you but it drives me crazy." She also confessed. They both started going out with eachother.

 They both were voted best couple in school. A week past quickly. At the end of the week it was Going to prom and Zara hoped Adam asked her out to the prom. The week ended but still he had not asked. Zara had a black and white dress laying on her bed. Zara thought she wont need the dress anymore. Zara was upset.

Zara put her dress on she thought she might as well go all her friends would be there so She got dressed . As Zara finished her makeup she walked down the stairs . Hadiyah was standing at the bottom of the stairs they both held hands and opened the door. Hadiyah asked Zara to go to the park since they had half an hour.

Zara an Hadiyah walked up to a horse they noticed. Zara made a cheeky smile. ADAM! You little rascal. He walked infront of Zara with a suit an tie on. He asked Zara to Prom!!

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