Wedding day

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Time passed Quickly Today was Zara and Adams wedding. All of Adam and Zara's Family came. Adams mum got used to the fact that he was in love. Adams mum thought it was about time he got married. Everyone settled down. Since Zara was A muslim she told Adam that if they get married he has to convert to Islam so he did. That showed his love and dedication to getting married.

Zara was in here room getting ready she had make up on and looked beautifully along her side was her beautiful bridesmaid Hadiyah. Applying the last touches to her make up Hadiyah put some nasheeds on she put on a nasheed called Barakallah by Maher Zain Hadiyah walked Zara down the stairs were. Hadiyahs Dad took Zara's arm and took her down the isle. Since she had no dad. Zara started shivvering nervously. Her fingers went numb and she felt like waiting she shouted Daaaad come back and fell on to Hadiyahs dad.  They sat her down and called the paramedics and they said she was having flashbacks. When sitting down Hadiyahs mum gave a letter to Zara.It says to read after the wedding. it was like her father knew she was going to get married.

Everybody started getting served food so they could'nt start the ceremony right now. They gave Zara some water. Zara questioned weres Hadiyah. Her mum said she had gone to the bathroom So Zara went to see her. Zara opened the bathroom doors too see Zara crying and there being blood on the floor. Hadiyah what happened asked Zara. Hadiyah screams " AAAAAAAHHH" all of a sudden Zara remembers the baby. Zara grabs Hadiyah and picks her up and takes her to the main room and called the paramedincs and her parents they rushed to see what has happened. 

The paramedic said she is about to give birth. They got her and put her in the ambulance and she gave birth in an ambulance. It was the miracle of life. Allhamdulillah Both the baby And Hadiyah survived. They had to take the baby and Hadiyah to the hospital to get all cleared and checked out. Before going Hadiyah said to Zara not to stop the wedding she said when she comes out of hospital she wants Zara to be a mrs. The ceremony started .                                                                                       "I do" They both said.                                                                                                                                              "If there is anyone who would like to object object now!" Nobody said anything. All of a sudden "OBJECT,I OBJECT.THIS MAN IS A STINKING LIAR!" said a lady."He chatted me up and made me come to his house and said that he is going to break up with you and get married TO ME!" Zara looked up at Adam and asked if this nonsence was true he said it was. But he explained it only happened because he was drunk. Zara ran out of the wedding reception. Hadiyahs parents followed her but they lost her . Zara was sitting in the park not so far away were her dad used to take her all the time. Remembering her dad she got the letter out of her purse and read it.

        Dear Zara,                                                                                                                                                                    Right now you are probably crying since you got your heart broken by a boy called Adam i knew about him because i saw you twice with him. I knew sometime this week i would die because i Had Cancer. This boy Adam was not raised the right way he never had a real dad since his mum killed him. So Adam had no one to be like. Adam is a bright young man and he has had more family issues than you could of imagined. If he says he's sorry he means it that was the first time something like that happened. He would of told yo but he knew that it would break your heart. Keep this in mind He is capable of being the right one you just have to give him a chance.                                                                                                                                                             lots of love dad xx

Zara realised that he was the right man. No other man would do anything to make a girl happy. She had came to her sences and decided to give him another chance. She ran back to the hall but everyone had gone. Zara left it because she wanted to go and see Hadiyah. 

Hadiyah was in her own private room. Zara walked into the room in a suprised face. Zara explained what happened Hadiyah was shocked that she missed so much. Zara went to the little cot were the beautiful baby girl was laying in. Zakaria walked in the room as Zara was holding the baby. Zara asked got any nice names for the baby at the same time they both said Shanika. Shanika was a beautiful baby with hazel eyes and brown hair. 

After seeing Shanika Zara went to find Adam.. She went to his house but he wasnt there she went to his mothers house and she gave Zara a letter from Adam. The letter read...

DearZara,                                                                                                                                                                      i knew you were going to look for me here so i left this letter with my mum. I love you too the moon an back. I know i may not show it but i do. Today was meant to be the best day of our lifes but i ruined it for both of us. I dont know what to do to be a great husband since i had no-one to teach me. The day i brought Hazel (The girl who ruined the wedding)home i felt guilty but i was drunk i know i am meant to be a practising Islam but i dont know if you realise but whenever i went out somewhere it was to get a drink. And at the bar i met Hazel. I thought i'd tell you this.While you are reading this i am probably waiting in the airport for my plane...

Zara rushed to the train station to get to the airport quicker. There was no Train available. Zara stressed for so long thinking he would be gone by time she gets there. All of a sudden the 91 train came and yes, yes it was for the airport. Zara barged passed people to get to the train. Zara got a seat and sat down. She got her phone out and started to play games. Then Zara noticed an old lady an she gave up her seat for the old lady so she could sit. Zara did'nt mind standing. 

After a 30 miniute train ride she arrived at the airport. Zara ran. After running she saw a man wearing the same coat as Adam so Zara ran up to him. She realised it was'nt him. Zara was tired of searching so she gave up. A tear slowly dripped down Zara's cheek. a shadowy figure appeared Zara looked up to see ADAM! He sat down next to her and wiped her tears away. Im hear now. Zara layed her head on Adams shoulder and they shared a long romantic hug.                                                "I missed you" said Adam                                                                                                                                     "So did i. Dont ever leave me again"

Zara an Adam held hands and went to get the train back.

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