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— Kihyun's POV—-

I was just finishing uploading my tweet, when Jackson motioned me to put my phone away and look towards one of the staff members

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I was just finishing uploading my tweet, when Jackson motioned me to put my phone away and look towards one of the staff members.

"3, 2, 1.. Okay guys head on out to the stage now it's all yours good luck" The producer shouted over the loud crowds cheering from behind the curtain. She was visibly sweating, and her headpiece was slowly slipping from around her head. She looked nervous, but it's not like she was performing she had one job to do.

"We have got this! Let's go out and kill it" JB said as he ushered all of us up to the stage. Finally the chance we've been waiting for, the biggest dance final in korea, we could win this.

Nodding my head, we all dashed onto the main centre of the stage. My heart was beating, hands clammy and my head was racing through with lyrics and dance moves.

The start of shine forever started playing, and without realising my body had already started to move to the music performing the dance routine we had been practising for weeks.

————Third person pov ———-

From the crowds there were huge cheers as the dance group Got7 performed their cover of shine forever by monsta x on stage.

The audience was full of family members and friends who wailed in support as the group reached the second chorus.

However there were people in the audience who would never let the group finish the routine.

Four men ran out from the audience, down past the judges panel and straight for the stage. Yet the group didn't stop they carried on dancing thinking it was some crazy fans, but they were far from that.

The men pulled back their coats and revealed a chest or wires and dynamite. From then on it went in slow motion, screams echoed the hall, a grey cloud of dust consumed the room and people frantically tried to exit the hall.



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***TV News***

"Now onto our main story of tonight, the local dance troupe Got7 are among many of the fallen and casualties to have lost their lives  tonight. What we know so far is a local terrorist group name unknown caused a catastrophic bombing tonight while the group were performing which has killed many civilians in the audience as well as apparent  members in the group. So far the numbers are 19 dead, 27 in hospital and 8 missing. Please keep listening to the program for more updates, but please keep safe with loved ones at this upsetting time"  Back to you Sehun in the studio.

"That's right Mr Kim, hold your loved ones closer tonight. But also if you have information regarding the attack please contact the police on 61016"

Wonho flicked the channel over onto a random show, then placing the remote down on the sofa next to him.
"Why would someone even do this?" Chankyun breathed out across from hoseok placing his head in his hand.

The band mates were sat all on the sofa at one point discussing future albums but now the talk of the recent events.

Jooheon wrapped his arm around the youngest member and engulfed him in a hug.

"there are just some bad people in the world kyunie" Minhyuk called out moving closer to hyungwon who he was sitting next to.

"Hey guys, on the facebook there's a video going around that apparently they were performing shine forever as the attack happened. Apparently they were big fans of our music." Shownu stated handing his phone to wonho as he took his seat next to him.

"Omg, I feel awful" Changkyun whispered from behind his hands.

"Me too" Jooheon now clinging onto the boy, replied.

"We have to be able to do something"

"I agree" Shownu asked.  "let's just wait till morning and see what happens, in the mean time text your families hyungs. I'm going to head to bed and look into more of this group"  The eldest said taking his phone back from wonho and heading out the room.

"Night hyung" Was all that he could hear as he walked up the stairs.


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