Chapter 38

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Kihyun POV

"Shownu please please wake up, I can't do this without you" I called through tears, holding his hand as I sat beside him on the hospital bed.  The doctors are saying its a 50/50 chance he'll survive but I know he'll pull through, at least thats what I keep telling myself.

I leant back in the chair, watching the same machines blink and monitor his heart and blood. After the police arrived the ambulance crew soon followed taking shownu to the ER, with myself and the members following along in the back of the police car.

They took that psycho away in a private ambulance but I hope she died, she looked pretty much gone as they dragged her away.

"Kihyun here, have you eaten?" Hyungwon walked into the room, carrying a tray of food the other members shuffling in behind.

They had visited everyday since he was admitted here, which was almost a week ago now. But I was the only one who slept over night, against the nurses wishes but she couldn't stop me.

"Yeah, I had something earlier" I lied watching as they sat around beginning to tuck into their meal.

"Have the nurses said anything since yesterday" Minhyuk asked as he began feeding jooheon.

"Nope they just keep saying the same thing, his pressure is low blah blah blah his chances are low blah blah" I rolled my eyes. He'd be fine, the doctors didn't know how much of a fighter shownu was he'd recover im sure, i'm certain.

"Kihyun ah, there just doing their job, you should be so rude to them-" Wonho started lecturing.

"No! They're not, I heard them earlier saying if there's no progress they will turn the machines off in less than two weeks" I looked at them "I'm not letting that happen"

I watched as they all dropped their gaze to their laps, not commenting anything after I had spoken.

I know I should be nicer to them but I couldn't if they were even on the doctors side for a second I don't think I could ever forgive them.


I sat back in my seat watching as each of the members spoke to shownu, talking about their day and saying a short pray before they began to exit.

"Kihyun I know you want to stay tonight but please come back home have a shower and a comfortable nights sleep then we can come straight back in the morning ?" Changkyun tapper on my shoulder his arm coming and resting against my back.

"I don't know...what if he wakes up" I reached down to shownu, my hand resting on his thigh.

"Kihyun they would call us straight away, please you need a break" Wonho came into the room as the other members waited outside.

"Kyunnie is right, come home just for one night" I looked up at them both, they looked just as exhausted as me.

I nodded in response, watching as they both smiled "We'll wait outside kyun, to say goodnight" Changkyun said before he gave me a hug exiting the room with hoseok.

"Shownu, I'm going to go now, not for long though don't worry. I promise i'll be right back in the morning, so don't me too much" I laughed holding onto his hands. Even though he wasn't responsive his hands were still so warm, I didn't want to let go.
"Wait for me? please. I love you" I leaned down placing a kiss on his forehead, brushing the hair out of his face.

I looked at his image one last time before joining the boys outside, as I was with them I noticed the pleaser look on the nurses face. Sighing we left the hospital, how I wished they were as nice as nayeon the nurse who looked after me.

"Kihyun it's been three weeks now, we can't keep him on much longer if his body is still unresponsive, please you have to understand us. There are other people who need this medicine" Said one of the doctors.

"NO, NO I'm not allowing it, you can't ? Surely? Guys come on" I looked at the members who all had tears rolling down their face.

"Please..he's right there must be something you can do" Jooheon croaked out.

"Look Im sorry guys but if there isn't any activity by the end of the day. Then..we'll have to switch it off, I can only apologise but this is policy rule" He stated before rushing out the door.

"No they can't ?! He's our hyung, our leader, we won't let it" Minhyuk's voice cracked as he rested his body against shownu's legs crying into the clothing.

I just stood in shock, was there really nothing they could do?

"We have to be strong, for him" Wonho pointed at Hyunwoo before breaking down into tears hugging changkyun.

This is all my fault, they should have never of helped me in the hospital. God damn it it's all my fault. Maybe Mina was right if I hadn't come out, followed my dreams and just stayed with her none of this would be happening.

My family and friends would still be alive and Hyunwoo wouldn't be on the blink of death.

My head felt dizzy as tears continued to stream down my face.

"Hyunwoo, Shownu, Love please... I'm begging you.. I can't do this... I'm sorry i'm so sorry" I talked through sobs.


As kihyun leant down holding shownu's hand sobbing into the materials, he hadn't noticed the machines flashing. Brain monitors displaying activity.

But had anyone noticed

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