Ch. 4 Chibi?

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Izuku pulled on his white cotton shirt, he gave a frustrated sigh while looking in the mirror. His shirts had been a little snuger lately and the omega found increasingly more difficult to find something to wear.

He pulled off the shirt looking himself over in the mirror. His abs were already softening, a month in he couldn't imagine what he was going to look like at 9 months... he had read up on omegan pregnancy he was surprised to learn all the changes his body would go through.

Being omega meant he naturally had more feminine features, rounder butt,thicker thighs and a smaller waist. And not mention mothering tendencies and instincts.

But during pregnancy his hips would widen his chest would soften and fill with milk for the oncoming pup. His mucles would soften with the lack of training and he would probably gain some pudge from eating and not working out.

He frowned slightly, all that hard work on keeping his body in shape for hero work and it was already going out the window... What would All Might think?

The retired pro hero was getting up there in age and it had been a little while since he last gave him a call, he would have to tell him about his pregnancy, hopefully the shock wouldn't kill the old man...

He looked down at his belly placing a gentle palm over his rounding belly. What would he look like?
A silly idea came into his head.

"Nah, it's too stupid..." he glanced temptingly at the pillows on the bed.

He tapped his chin, resisting. He looked at the big black discarded shirt of his alpha.

"Okay, just for a minute..." he mumbled letting his curiosity get the better of him. He slipped his shirt over his head and grabbed the first pillow off of his nest. Stuffing it up the shirt he fiddled with it until it looked semi realistic. He twirled in the mirror placing his hands gently of his make shift baby bump. He did a few poses like in the maternity photos before bursting out laughing.

He stared at him self for a minute, in 8 months he was really gonna look like this and then... He closed his eyes imagining a little Kacchan. Curly blond hair and wide eyes except the red was his green with freckles dusting his cheeks...

"Oi,what are you doing?"

He spun around with a startled squeak,


His face was set alight as he realized what he looked like right now.
A comedically confused expression grazed the blondes face as he looked him over.

"I-I um..." he struggled to pull the pillow out. With a harsh tug he threw it at the bed and fixed the shirt, straightening his back and acting like nothing unusual was happening. He smiled acutely aware of the heat coming from his cheeks.

He expected him to yell at him for messing around and for doing weird shit, but instead he felt a a gentle pair of arms lock around his midsection.

"You don't look half bad sitting in my shirt like that..." he said looking him over. Izuku swore he saw a faint blush graze over his features.
It was quickly replaced though with a flirtatious grin.

" But I'd bet you'd look even better out of it~"

Uh,way too ruin the moment.

He gave him a hard smack to the shoulder making the alpha growl and chuckle while rubbing his arm.

"Baka-gou." The green haired omega said turning his back with a pout.

"The fuck did you just call me? What are you, a school girl?!" He growled he arms weaving around his waist. He rested his head heavily on his shoulder his fingers interlocking over his little bump. His thumbs stroked it gently as he littered his neck with butterfly kisses, teasing the skin.

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