Chapter Thirty Three-Ritual

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(A/N:So obviously while they visit the iron sisters, Magnus doesn't ask Alec over and they don't go on a date. I'm thinking of adding a character for Magnus in place, idk though)
"And I'll always say ya name like a prayer
Oh, when you touch me there
Oh, you'll always be my ritual
Always, love you all through the night and
Be there when the sun is rising
Oh, you'll always be my ritual"
-Jonas Blue, Rita Ora

 I'm thinking of adding a character for Magnus in place, idk though)"And I'll always say ya name like a prayerOh, when you touch me thereOh, you'll always be my ritualAlways, love you all through the night andBe there when the sun is risingOh, you...

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"Be safe" Alec told me, kissing my head as I pulled a leather jacket over my shoulders.
"It's not me you have to worry about" I replied, running a hand through my hair.
"I don't understand why he cleared her to go" Alec muttered angrily.
"I don't either but I'll keep an eye on her. It's hardly going against demons, it is?" I asked, gently grabbing his hand.
Alec sighed with a nod reluctantly.
"No, you're right" Alec agreed, stepping away slightly.
"Of course I am," I shrugged as he smiled slightly, "what're you doing today anyway?"
"Nick said he'd train with me" he responded, putting a jacket on himself.

"I was wondering," I started whilst wrapping my arms around Alec's waist from behind, "if you wanted to go on that first date later?"
"You know, I'd love that" He said, turning and dipping his head to kiss me.

Stepping through the portal, the sight of the citadel met our eyes.
"Woah" Clary stated as we looked at it.
It was a stone cliff, a fortress on top. Surrounding the cliffs were sharp stones pointing upwards, meaning instant death if anyone fell. It didn't help that the path was ridiculously narrow.
"This is more amazing than I imagined" Izzy said with a grin.
"It's gorgeous" I said, awestruck.

We got to the top, a gate of swords blocking our path. Up close, it was even more beautiful. Better than anything I ever could've imagined. The gate opened up, a bell ringing as we stepped in. Within a flash, six iron sisters had surrounded us with blades pointed at us.
"Speak your names" one spoke.
"Isabelle Lightwood"
"Selena Nightrose"
"Clary Fairchild"
"Valentine's daughter" another sister remarked.
"Your father killed the Silent Brothers. He's taken our most valuable weapon. You must leave immediately" The first one spoke, none of them withdrawing their swords.
"Clary's done nothing wrong" Izzy spoke carefully, keeping a strong gaze with the woman.
"Allow me," the second one spoke up, "what answers do you seek?"
"Why did Valentine go to all that trouble to steal the soul-sword?" I said, Clary looking around cautiously.
She clearly felt unsafe.

The first one shook her head to the second, asking her silently not to answer.
"Yes, Valentine is my father, but that man killed my mother. He experimented on my brother. I want to stop him more than anyone. And if we have any chance at defeating him... we need your help" Clary pleaded.

"Sister Cleophas, how long have you been in the order?" Izzy asked as we walked with the woman.
"Fourteen beautiful years. I never planned on following in my mother's footsteps. I was happy living in Idris with my sister Amatis, when my brother Lucian was scratched in a werewolf attack. I did what I had to do to restore our family's honour" she answered.
Lucian? She meant Luke, he was a former shadowhunter and circle member.
"Do you mean Luke? Are you Luke's sister?" Clary voiced my thoughts.
Cleophas looked at Magdalena, the latter nodding.
"I am" Cleophas responded.

"We must begin the purity trial" Magdalena said, brushing off the previous conversation.
I was slightly confused. I knew there was good defence, as we've seen, but I've never heard of this.
"For the answers you seek, we must go inside the Citadel. But we cannot allow any demonic impurities to pass. The adamas is too fragile" Cleophas explained as we came to a pool of water.
"So, the heavenly energy in the water will help us determine if you may enter. It will destroy any contaminant upon contact" Magdalena carried on.

We stood on a bridge to the pool where the purity trial would begin soon, in white dresses. I didn't see the point in the white dresses but that's how it was done.
"Clary, you can't do this" Izzy whispered quietly.
I turned to face the pair, slightly concerned.
"Why not?" Clary asked.
"You heard her. It's dangerous" Izzy responded, clearly afraid for her friend.
"You think I have demon blood like Jace," she scoffed, "there's only one way to find out"
Clary walked down the steps, into the pool and lay in the water like instructed earlier.

"Ignis aurum probat," Magdalena spoke before the water shined white, "Clary Fairchild, you are deemed clear of all demonic impurities"
Clary walked out, soaked through in her white dress but smiling nonetheless.
"I'll go next" I told Izzy as she nodded.
I did what Clary had done, lying down in the water. It was slightly cold, chilling me a little bit
"Ignis aurum probat" Magdalena spoke again, the water shining a blinding white light from underneath me.
"Selena Nightrose, you are deemed clear if all demonic impurities"
I stood up, the cold air making me slightly shiver. Clary and Izzy both smiled before my parabatai exchanged places with me.
"Ignis aurum probat" She spoke out one last time.
The water shined the same white before turning black, bubbling and pulling Izzy under.

Without thinking twice, myself and Clary ran in to grab her thrashing arms and pull her up. My parabatai rune burned slightly, a warning that she was in danger. We got her to the surface, standing up near the bridge as she grabbed onto the pole.
"Are you okay?" I asked her, brushing some hair back from her face as she shivered from the cold and, probably, shock.
She nodded weakly, resting her head against the pole of the bridge as we stood on the last step.
"What happened?" Clary asked in the open to everyone.
"I don't know" Izzy gasped.
I rested my hand on her back, rubbing reassuringly.
"The water does not lie...perhaps you do" Magdalena spoke, looking down on us disappointedly.
Izzy was gasping for breath, still shocked.
"I don't know what you're talking about" Izzy responded, looking up at the iron sisters.
"You are tainted with demonic impurities" She responded as I looked at Izzy, beyond confused.
"I'm sorry Isabelle. We can't let you into the citadel" Cleophas carried on.

"No, this has to be a mistake. She has a demon wound, maybe that's what the water reacted to, but she's fine now. She's healed" Clary argued.
"You are free to leave, if that's what you desire" Magdalena said.
"No," Izzy said whilst turning to us, "you go ahead, we need answers"
"I'm not leaving you, not like this" I told her.
Clary looked at me as I nodded and she walked off with Cleophas.

"Your friends have no idea, do they?" Magdalena began, casting a short glance to me.
"No idea about what?" I asked, turning to her.
"Yin fen permeates your body. Vampire venom chains through your veins" The iron sister carried on.
I felt myself go slightly wide eyed. Yin Fen was addictive and dangerous. Who the hell fave that to her?
"What?" Izzy gasped.
"You didn't know? Yin Fen is made from vampire venom" She carried on explaining with sympathetic eyes.
"I was injured. It was given to me so I could heal quickly" Izzy explained, looking away.
"Yin Fen will not heal you. Be careful" she said before walking away.

"Who gave you Yin Fen?" I questioned, grabbing her hands and helping her out the pool and onto the bridge.
"It was...Aldertree" she admitted softly.
"Seriously? He was a freaking medic, doesn't he know better?" I asked, beyond angry.
"He was trying to help!" Izzy pleaded.
"No, Iz he wasn't. I don't know what he was doing, but he certainly knows what that stuff does" I told her as she wrapped her arms around herself.
Sighing slightly, I brought her into an embrace as she clung to me.
"I didn't even know..." she whispered against my shoulder.
"How were you to know? You never paid attention on medicine because you didn't care" I said as she laughed slightly.
"Bit me in the ass" she responded.
"Just promise me you'll stop, please?" I asked, backing up slightly so we were eye to eye.
"I'll stop, just don't tell Alec" she pleaded with vulnerability shining through her eyes.
"I won't" I told her.

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