Chapter 15

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Back at the hotel, everybody chatted animatedly about the awesome day they'd had. Figg was very impressed that everybody had gone walking with the sharks, which made Tia feel like a wimp for not conquering her fear of heights. The cruise was spoken of very highly by everybody and there seemed to be too much energy in the group for them to go to sleep. Figg told them all they could sit at the hotel cafe if they'd like but it was rather late, and she promised they had a big day coming up as well.

"I actually promised I'd call my friends so I'm going up," Tia told Aladdin.

"Oh, okay then," he replied. "Elijah, you want to hang around?" he asked. Elijah shook his head.

"Nah. I'm feeling pretty tired. I think I might be coming down with something, so I should probably get some rest," he answered.

"That's not good. You should get some medicine," Vanessa said. He nodded.

"Yeah, I have some. Thanks." He smiled at her, and they all made their way up to their rooms.


Once up in their rooms, Elijah swallowed tablets and retired to his room. Tia was glad because she wanted to speak to Eliza and Lindy while laying on the couch. She dialled Lindy's number and sat cross-legged on the couch.

"Hey!" she chirped, when Lindy answered.

"Tia! We were waiting for your call," Lindy said, and Tia heard Eliza's voice in the background.

"How's it going, Tia?" Eliza called, as Lindy put the phone on speaker.

"It's going great," Tia replied. "This trip is amazing."

"Oh my gosh, tell us everything," Lindy said.

"Oh, where do I start?" Tia grinned. All of a sudden, Elijah walked out of his room wearing only pyjama bottoms. Tia watched his bare back as he walked toward the glass sliding door, leading to the balcony.

"Hello? Tia!" Eliza screamed into the phone.

"Oh!" Tia said, jumping at the loud sound. Elijah straightened up. "Right – sorry. I was just thinking about where to start," she laughed, an awkward sound, making sure to avert her gaze. He heard the discomfort in her voice and an idea popped into his head.

" about you start at the beginning? Duh!" Lindy said. Elijah rolled his shoulders, and began walking to his room.

"Oh, right. Well, I suppose I should start by telling you that this place is just as amazing as I'd ever imagined," she began but was interrupted when Elijah made a detour and sat beside her on the couch, turning the television on as he did. "What are you doing?" she snapped. He looked at her.

"We're waiting for you to tell us about your trip!" Lindy said, completely unheard by Tia.

"I'm watching TV. What's it look like?" he asked.

"Aren't you supposed to be getting rest? I thought you were sick," she replied, using all her strength and resolve to keep her eyes from wandering.

"Oh, she's speaking to Elijah," Lindy said to Eliza.

"Oooh, this should be interesting," Eliza giggled.

"I felt like watching TV. Besides, I think I'm already feeling better. You were right about those tablets being miracle workers," he replied.

"Ugh, fine," she replied, and got off the couch.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Anywhere you're not," she replied, and she walked out onto the balcony closing the door behind her. "Sorry about that guys," she said, speaking again to Lindy and Eliza.

"Don't apologise! That was so entertaining! How's it going with you guys anyway? Is he still the biggest jerk you know?" Lindy asked.

"YES!" Tia exclaimed, but before she could elaborate, she heard the door being slid open. She turned and glared at him.

"You're going to get cold," Elijah said, leaning against the door frame.

"What do you care?" she said, making Lindy and Eliza realise he was there again.

"Well, if you get cold, then you'll get sick, and I remember how much of a pain you were yesterday. I'd rather not have to deal with that again," he answered, which made her seethe with anger.

"I'm not the one without a shirt," she snapped, making Eliza and Lindy's eyes pop open, and made him laugh.

"Oh, so you noticed?" he smirked.

"Ugh, please," she rolled her eyes.

"You're the one who brought it up. Don't deny it," he answered.

"I thought you wanted to watch TV," she said, changing the subject smoothly.

"I decided annoying you was more entertaining," he replied, smugly.

"Listen, Elijah, you know I'm not averse to spilling things on you, right? And I've got a bottle of water that will do just as well as the orange juice did." His smug look vanished. Eliza and Lindy listened interested. They couldn't wait to hear this story in full detail. "I will do it, Elijah." He glowered at her, irate, and without another word he turned and walked back to his room. She laughed.

"Uhh, what on earth just happened?" Lindy asked loudly, trying to get Tia's attention.

"Oh, sorry guys! Had to get rid of him," she replied and with that, she told them everything that had happened from the plane ride until that very moment. It wasn't until way past midnight that she'd gone to sleep, thankful that Elijah hadn't woken up again to aggravate her with his idiotic antics.

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