New Kids

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"You , Lee Youngji, are an 18 year old girl who can do anything, be anything . This year you will show the school who Lee Youngji really is. " You said whilst looking at yourself in the mirror, school is hell and you needed some one to one talk with yourself before getting to the gates of hell. "You are cute." You did a cute pose ."You are sexy." You did a sexy pose. "You are smart" you did a smart pose. "You are amazing " you winked at your self. "You are stunning!" You flicked your hair and before picking up your bag you smiled widely "I know." And you after that you walked out of your room ready for school.
"YOUNGJI!!! GET UP!! YOU HAVE SCHOOL TODAY!!" Your mother shouted , making you jump , from downstairs predicting you would be in your normal Monday morning mood of not wanting to leave your cosy bed .
" I'm up" you said as you reached the kitchen and grabbed a bagel. Your mum looked at you shocked.
"Are you ill?" She ran over to you and put her hand on your forehead. "No" you said smiling widely.
"What did you do?" Was her next response, with the spatula in her hand ready to whoop your ass.
"I woke up." You said still smiling .
"Stop smiling, its Monday you never smile on Mondays ." She said looking at you confused trying to figure out why and how you were up so early.
"What's with the staring? Huh?" You asked
" Wait have you got make up on." At this you flicked your hair back
" No , don't you recognise your daughters natural beauty ?" Your mum laughed at this. "What's natural about it? You use half of Koreas beauty products on it." At this you started fake crying "I am offended" you said grabbing at your heart. 20 minutes later.
Then the kitchen door opened revealing your father. "Is she not up yet?" He said almost repeating his Monday morning routine. "Umm she is up" your mum answered him and with this he put down his coffee mug and turned around to see you waving at him. "Am I late? What time is it? I can't be late!" Your father said trying to find a clock completely forgetting about his phone and watch.
"It is 8:15 am so you are late . Go!" Your mum shouted with her spatula in attack mode and with that your dad ran out of the kitchen to get to work.
"Hurry up , you will be late too." Your mum now said looking at you.
"When am I ever on time?" You asked her wanting to be able to finish your bagel in the house today.
"Today! Now go!" Your mum said practically shoving you out the house door and there you met your father again.
" Hi dad." You said which shocked him.
" Thank god it is only you Youngji I was scared it was your mother." He said with his hand on his chest like he just had a heart attack.
"Can you drive me to school?" You asked doing a bit of aegyo .
" ahhh fine just don't tell your mum." You put your fist in the air and got into the car.
After a ten minute drive with your dad singing Red Velvet at full volume .
"YoU gOt Me FeEliNg lIke a PsYchO!" Your dad 'sung' proudly as you exited the car laughing. You love your dad he is top tier.
You started walking through the gates of school, to your classroom . You didn't realise students staring at you, not because you are just beautiful and stunning but because you were actually on time for once. When you got to the classroom you entered and went to your seat.
"Umm excuse me but that is where Youngji sits." Hoseok said whilst turning around from his chair in front of you.
" Good thing I am her." You said smiling .
Hoseok rubbed his eyes.
"YOUNGJI!" He shouted, which woke up Yoongi who is sat next to you.Yoongi chucked his book at Hoseok which caused him to rub his arm.
"I told you Jung Hoseok if you woke me up I would kill you." He said glaring at Hoseok sleepily.
"Hi Yoongi." You said smiling
"Hi Youngji." He said needing a few clogs to turn in his head before realising you were there.
"Wait Youngji! Your here! On time!" He said looking at you shocked. "Wow I must be dying, eh it's a good thing then I get to be a rock soon." He said laying his head back onto the table.
"So why are you here before 10 ? And why does it look like you have put effort into looking presentable for once?" Hoseok said looking you up and down trying to figure out your motive.
"Okay stop with the eyes. Also no clue. Just woke up a decided to put some effort into life ." You said shrugging your shoulders really having no clue why you woke up early and decided to come to school in a presentable manner.
"You never put effort into anything though."
"Okay ouch, Hoseok I am disappointed but not surprised." You said looking at him .
"Okay class! We have new students so look presentable." The teacher said whilst walking in
"That means Mr Jung you will need to face the front ! " He said and Hoseok immediately turned around.
"Okay introduce yourselves even though I doubt anyone will be listening , this class isn't very good at that." The teacher said turning to the new students.
"Hello I am Kang Hyeji. " The girl said smiling
"Hi I am Kim Namjoon." The taller boy said.
"Hello I am Jeon Jungkook." The last one said , god the boy was handsome, like chuck me off the Eiffel Tower and step on me and you would still love him handsome.
"Okay sit down , Hyeji you go next to Hoseok, and you two boys behind Yoongi and Youngji." They came over to sit down. "Wait Youngji you are here on time" the teacher said shocked.
You smiled awkwardly and nodded.
"Now that you actually arrived to my class on time as a well done reward you can wake up Yoongi." He said whilst turning the board to right up a bunch of notes. You sighed and turned to the sleeping boy next to you. Yes he fell asleep again. You poked him with your pencil and there was no response. You played the drums on his head. No response. You drew on his hand. No response. You said his name like a hundred times . No response so you gave up. Until one of the boys messed up.
"WHO THE FUCK JUST KICKED MY FUCKING CHAIR AND WOKE ME THE FUCK UP!" Yoongi shouted after being woken up. You looked back to see a shocked Jungkook.
"I did " you said smiling at Yoongi. He turned around his anger quickly leaving himself.
"Okay." He said then copied what the teacher had written on the board.
After lesson
It was now break time so you got up out of your chair to head to the cafeteria with Hoseok to grab you two and Yoongi some snacks. Yoongi was sleeping again. On your way to the cafeteria you met with the three new students. "Hi ." You and Hoseok both said smiling at them. "Hi " Namjoon said confidently whilst the other two just smiled.
"I am Youngji" you said smiling at the three of them.
"I am Hoseok" Hoseok said smiling as well
"Well you know our names from class earlier" Namjoon answered again . It was awkward , not going to lie.
"So.... where did you guys move from?" You said whilst waiting in the line to get some banana milk.
"Oh we all moved from busan , we came here to Seoul because it was a good opportunity for us." Namjoon answered again and you and Hoseok nodded.
"Sorry just a question but do the other two not talk?" Hoseok asked literally taking the question out of your head.
"Yeah they do they are just shy." Namjoon said.
"Don't be ." You said smiling at them
"Well we only have each other so it is hard not to be shy." Namjoon said as you five got to the front of the queue.
"You can be our friends ." Hoseok said smiling
"That would be nice." Namjoon said smiling.
You all went to get you snacks once you entered he cafeteria, you went straight to the fridge some banana milk. Once you got there there was only one left so you went to grab it but someone else had as well . You looked over to see a Jungkook.
"Oh sorry." You said letting go of the carton.
"I'm sorry as well." Jungkook said back it was awkward but during this time of saying sorry a sneaky brat took the last banana milk so when you turned around there were none left.
"Ahhh I need my daily banana milk." You said in a huff grabbing one of the neglected strawberry milks . Jungkook laughed at this which made you look over.
"What?" You asked him.
"Oh umm it is just funny how you umm reacted to the banana milk." He said scratching the back of his neck . You made an O face. But you understood since banana milk is like your coffee , you need it or you can be a bit on edge . You two went and paid after grabbing the rest of your snacks then headed back to the classroom to meet Yoongi.
"Yoonie!" You shouted whilst walking into the classroom, which caused him to wake up. He showed a small smile to you but when he saw the others it disappeared. You sat in your seat next to him.
"So yoonie , we got you your crisps and kimbap ." You said whilst sliding the items over to him.
"Thanks...where's you banana milk?" He asked whilst opening a bag of crisps.
"A brat took the last one." You said with a cute grumpy face. "Anyway this is Jungkook,Namjoon and Hyeji . They are our new friends . Be nice." You said whilst taking a sip out of your strawberry milk.
"Hi." Namjoon said smiling and so did Hyeji.
"Yeah okay." Yoongi replied which caused you to hit his arm. "I said be nice not a grumpy prick." Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Okay I am sorry. I am so happy we can be friends let's become best best friends forever and making matching friendship bracelets!" Yoongi replied in a sarcastic tone . You don't bother to tell him off because you can never win against Yoongi unless he lets you.
You decided to turn to Hyeji , since it is the first time you can talk to a girl without them trying to get with the two boys next to you.
"So Hyeji, do you like sports?" When you said this Hoseok looked at you and burst out laughing. "What?" You asked giving him a glare.
"It is just so funny how awkward you are talking to another girl." He said still laughing.
"I like sports." Hyeji said smiling at you. "Are there any team tryouts?" She asked.
"Well the boys basketball team is down a member , so maybe Namjoon or Jungkook could tryout. And the girls football(/soccer) team needs a player or two." You said smiling . Hyeji looked happy.
"That's great ! I love football!" She said very happy. "Also Jungkook and Namjoon are great at sports so I am-" she was cut off
" I get to decide who is on my basketball team." Yoongi said in a not very good mood. You see you might be like woah Yoongi she was just saying they could try out but like Yoongi only wants the elites in his team, it's understandable.
"I will try out." Namjoon spoke up, you then looked over to Jungkook, who was doodling rather than paying attention but before you could see what he was drawing he hide it.
"I don't know." Jungkook said.
"Oh com-"
"Class be quite! It is pe so please head to the changing rooms. Jungkook, Hyeji and Youngji stay behind ! The rest of you rats hurry up." Yay your favourite teacher was still here. Like couldn't they retire already. An old woman teaching sports just isn't right, like good on her being fit and all but when she does examples it is embarrassing.

Okay I'm going to leave it there for the first chapter. I hope it was okay. I made these ages ago and I decided to finally start posting them I hope you all like them. Again sorry for bad English and wi h the footbal/soccer I don't know what people call them but from what I learnt at school it is called football so I will call it football in future chapters.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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