Raihan X Reader (Fluff)

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                                                                            Knock, Knock!

I paused my recording of Raihan and Leon's battle and hopped off the couch. You lived a cozy life in Hammerlocke, with an apartment near the eighth-gym. You opened the door, only to be greeted by your handsome boyfriend.

"I missed you!", Raihan said while squeezing the life out of you.  "How was my beautiful girl! I sure hope she wasn't too lonely!" Raihan took of his jacket and walked into the kitchen. He usually did not get home early, but tonight he decided to surprise you by making dinner.

"Babe, I think I might have burnt (Y/F/M)."  You rushed into the kitchen, only to see Axew smacking Raihan. You questioned why you allowed him to cook you dinner, but you saw how hard he had tried to impress you. You asked Raihan to leave the kitchen so you could prepare a surprise. Popcorn and ramen were the only two things you could find in your pantry, so you decided on popcorn. 

"Dang it! I thought I killed his Charizard this time!" Raihan must have started the recording again, so you brought the popcorn to the couch. Raihan wraps his arm around you, pulling you in closer. "I wish we could stay like this forever, but for now a photo will do." He grabbed his Rotom Phone and took tons of photos. You started to get drowsy, and Raihan suggest that you go and change into pajamas. You grabbed his hoodie and put on some pajama shorts and walked back to the couch. Raihan was snoring while holding the Axew, cuddling it in your place. You removed Axew and cuddled feel asleep in your boyfriend's arms.


Thank you all for the wait! I have been super busy, but I am glad to getting back into writing! I hope everyone is doing well during this pandemic and the social issues going on. If you need anyone to talk to, feel free to direct message me! (BTW, Y/F/M means your favorite meal) Feel free to make suggestions or offer me some feedback so I can improve these!


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