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Shivering as the sounds of the voices constantly replay in my head. I need to get away from them and follow Harry. After a mile or more of walking through the unknown he stopped at the edge of a cliff. The scent of fresh water filled my nostrils; I spot a waterfall at the very edge of the cliff. The beautiful scenery brightened my eyes with the deep green plants swaying side to side.

'Rose, trust is a fragile thing, once it's broken you cannot put it back together and pretend that the cracks and damages never existed.' Harry whispered, putting his hand on top of mine.

I tore my gaze off the beautiful scenery looking at him dead in the eyes.

'What do you mean?' I asked confused.

Harry is never one to insert such dramatic quotes. He slowly walked off, every step he takes makes my heart pound faster, and he takes one more step, then another one, this time he's standing right at the edge of the cliff, with a blank expression on his face, his reaction driving me crazy. How can he not be scared when he's practically standing at the edge of a cliff? He turns around, and slowly raises his arm as if signalling me to hold it.

'Rosella, if you trust me, will you come over here and hold my hand?' He asked.


hey hey guys whats your fav song rn ?

mine is falling for you by the 1975 x

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