Me?~~Sugawara Koushi x reader

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It's known across the school that Sugawara Koushi has a crush on you. But you can't tell the difference between love and friendship, so you never knew about. Until, one fateful day-
It was the end of practice and Hinata was trying to practice serving but hit you in the back of the head.
Suga was the first to help you. Then everyone else crowded around you. They couldn't be losing their manager only after a month, now could they?
While everyone was distracted, Hinata ran to the bathroom to hide from Daichi's wrath.
He was unsuccessful. He was ball boy for the rest of the week.
"You okay (y/n)? That seemed like it hurt..." Suga asked sweetly.
You shot him a bright smile.
"I'm fine! It's kinda funny honestly!"
His ear went bright red.
You noticed this and got concerned.
"You okay? Are you cold? Your ears are red," you put you palms to his ears trying to warm them up. But they already were.
Your face went blank.
Koushi started flailing his arms around trying to hide is red face.
You giggled.
His face was steaming and he was facing the ceiling.
You punching him lightly in the chest, joking. He took a deep breath in and left the gym. You were confused why. I mean, you didn't hurt his feelings did you.
Daichi followed him out. And you soon after.
"Idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot!" Suga repeated.
"Why are you calling yourself an idiot?" Daichi asked chuckling.
"I'm such an idiot. I keep trying and nothing's getting through. She's oblivious to how much I like her!"
You coughed to get their attention.
"Oh, shit," Daichi said.
You had reached them when Suga yelled, 'I like her!'
Your face was red, your knees were weak and your body numb.
He liked you.
And you didn't noticed.
Everything strung together.
Flashbacks of all the times he was red or awkward around all made sense.
"U-uhhh," Sugawara stuttered.
You smiled brightly with your face being as red at Tendou Satoris hair.
"I like you too!" You laughed.
Suga ran to you pulling you into a sweet embrace.
"That's great to hear," he whispered into your ear.
"Not to burst your bubble, butI need to take your boyfriend back to practice," Daichi said, trying not to be awkward.
You both glared at him.
"Point taken," she said as he nodded and went back into the gym.
"Me? You like me?" You ask one final time.
"No, I don't like you..." he said darkly.
Your heart sank.
"I love you!!!" He yelled, smiling brighter than the sun.

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