Tikki, I don't feel so good-

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 I hoped, I wished, I pleaded with my luck that it would somehow assist us, and that the people we were supposed to be fighting against wouldn’t hear us.

That they had coincidentally slipped on a pair of noise cancelling headphones at the exact moment that the pipe had fallen and a very alarmed Chat Noir accompanying it. 

I muttered some silent prayers, along with some curses as I used one hand to wrap my yoyo around my now drenched and putrid partner, heaving him back up as I did earlier. He didn’t mouth me anything this time. I knew he was sorry. We both were too terrified to speak, or breathe for that matter.

We both just stayed still, both of us firmly clutching our respective pipes in silence, waiting to see if we could point out any signs that our enemy was advancing at all in our direction. Or if they even heard the splash Chat had made.

Evidently, they had.


“Did you….. Did you hear that?” I recognized Ground Shaker’s voice clearly.
“Yes of course I heard that!” a voice said sternly. Neither Chat or I knew who it was, but we would find out soon.

I held my breath holding on to the pipe a little tighter.

“Do you think it’s them?” Ground Shaker asked, in somewhat of a hushed tone.

“Well go find out, for goodness’ sake, don’t just stand there!”

My eyes widened and I looked at Chat, alarm washing over my face. He shook his head, letting me know that he had just about as much of a plan as I had. Drat.

With really nothing else to do, we both whipped out our collective weapons, and prepared to attack anyone who was to turn the corner towards us.

What we didn’t expect, but should have, was for Ground Shaker instead to use his powers to make the sewer tunnels shake just enough to toss and fling two superheroes about.

The shaking had us flying around for at least a good minute, but right when my arms were about to finally cave in, he stopped. My luck hadn’t left me yet.

I exhaled silently in relief, and turned to Chat Noir again. 

“Lucky Charm?” he mouthed. I thought for a bit.

“What now Hawkmoth?” the akuma asked. Hawkmoth?

If the source of the trouble was here, then we would need as much help as we could get.

“Go back up, attack them from above. Bring back their miraculous, understand? And don’t fail me,” Hawkmoth directed.

We heard metal clank against metal, and we assumed that Ground Shaker had climbed a ladder back up to the streets.

“Hawkmoth is alone,” Chat whispered, only loud enough for me to hear. 

“Lucky charm,” I said silently. A flash of Ladybugs imploded into a net. I sighed. Wonderful.

“Do we knock him out?” I asked. He shook his head, a little excessively.

“Maybe interrogate him first, we don’t know why he’s doing what he’s doing, or what a miracle box is! Besides, he mentioned the Agrestes, we want to know why he would rope innocent people into his crimes right?”

I knew he was right. But I needed time to find out what to do with the net. 


We both leapt down from the sewer pipes, and tread quickly. Right as we were about to attack, Hawkmoth had completely vanished.

There was no trace of him ever leaving or even being there. 

“Where’d he go?” Chat came up behind me, splashing around to scan the area.

“I don’t know….”

Suddenly, I was thrown sideways, and the ground shook once more, followed by a booming voice from above.

“Ladybug! Chat Noir! Come out, cowards!”

“Let’s just go deal with the akuma, Chat. We’ll get Hawkmoth later, or we can get Ground Shaker to give us the information we need.”

Scaling the ladder one at a time, Chat Noir and I crawled out of the tunnels and faced a messy battle scene that had been created on the Parisian streets.

The turtle hero that I recognized as the same man in the hospital was already on the akuma’s heel, attacking him with the shield he wielded.

“I’ll go help my f- uh the green dude out, you figure out what to do with that charm of yours,” he winked and sped off.

I made a face before glancing at the net I held, then back at the action. Chat and the turtle miraculous holder had already held back Ground Shaker quite a bit, it seemed like they were working well together.

It seemed as if the turtle had already used his power a few times, and was about to tap out.

Then it clicked. 

“Chat! The sewer grate, two minutes! He can’t use his power if he isn’t on solid ground!” I called. He smirked, understanding my plan.

I ran back under the water, tying the rope net to the pipes under the grate just as Chat Noir used his cataclysm to deteriorate it.

The two heroes above lured Ground Shaker to my trap, and pushed him inside. He hung upside down in my red and black spotted net, and I grabbed the first item that I believed was akumatised. Which seemed like it was the map tucked in his pocket. 

He protested, but was powerless to stop me, unable to reach solid ground from my hanging trap.

Ripping it in half, I purified the dark butterfly before it could fly away. Doing the routine “Miraculous Ladybug!” call, I watched as everything fixed itself.

I smiled, but my smile quickly faded as soon as my footing slipped on the ladder I was gripping, and I fell, hitting my head on the wall before once again hitting the dirty water beneath me.

“Ladybug! You okay??” I heard Chat yell, and I got up, croaking an affirmation.

“Go, you’re going to transform back,” I told him, hazily getting up to climbing the ladder. He nodded, and hesitantly took off.

Pulling myself out of the sewer, I carried myself into a secluded alley, and detransformed.

“That was great, Bridge! Who do you think the turtle was though?” Tikki flew to my face. I tried to answer, but couldn’t muster the energy to.

“Tikki, my head doesn’t feel very good,” I told her lazily.

“Bridgette you’re hurt!” 

And then my vision went dark.

Okay so I referenced the Avengers even though it wasn't that. Chapter titles are hard.
***also, don't forget that the Bridgette chapters are written by ur_fave_ship so you should definitely check out her profile and HER TWO NEW MIRACULOUS FANFICTIONS***

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