Chapter 1: Moving Away

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Disclaimer: The Inkling boy in the cover is the inkling that I'm shipping you with! And you and the Inkling Boy are over 18 years of age! :)


You never thought your mother would decide to move to a different city. You were completely against moving, especially being the most popular girl in your home city's college.

"Inkopolis huh?" You read the new city's brochure as your mother packed the last box into the trunk of the car.

Your mother stepped inside the car and noticed you reading the brochure. "Isn't it exciting sweetie? Inkopolis looks like a fun, colourful city to move to! They also have the world's lowest crime rates! Isn't that ink-creditable?!" You cringed at her awful pun.

"But, I'll lose everything! My popularity, my friends and my old college!" You slump in your seat, upset about the situation. In response, your mother ruffled your hair while starting up the car.

"And we're human mom! The so-called "inklings" will find us weird and bully us in their language!" You cross your arms, proving the point to your mother. "Oh shush now sweetie! You worry too much! Please get some rest, it's going to be a long drive!" Your mother replied, focusing on the road ahead of her.

You sighed, but listened anyway, falling asleep in a matter of minutes. You couldn't wait to arrive! (Not!)


You have awoken, thanks to your mother screaming in excitement. You screamed shortly after, thanks to her scream that made you jump five feet in the air.

"What the hell mom! You could've given me a heart attack!" You said out of breath, while putting a hand to your chest.

"I'm sorry sweetie! But look outside! We made it!" She cooed again, pointing at Inkopolis's famous tower. You admitted that the light green tower looked amazing! Maybe Inkopolis wouldn't be that bad after all!

Since you used to live out in the country, you weren't used to the huge buildings that surrounded you both. You eyed the many buildings outside, which casted huge shadows over the highway.

Your mother got off the highway and went through many streets, trying to find the new apartment you both would be living in. After many countless minutes of being stuck in rush hour traffic, you became bored and decided to look out the window.

You saw many inklings walking around, entering many stores and filling the sidewalks with their different hair colours. You became scared as you ducked behind the door, not wanting to be seen.

You forgot that you weren't like them, and didn't want to attract a lot of attention at the moment. So you stayed down until you finally arrived at the apartment.

It was a huge building and your apartment was on the 20th floor. You groaned as you moved countless moving boxes up and down the elevator and into the room.

Your mother decided to unpack the kitchen area and both of your bedrooms for today, since it was getting late. You ate your dinner and unpacked a little, folding your clothes into the drawer.

"Hey sweetie!" Your mother knocked on the door to your bedroom, before stepping inside. You gave her your attention. "You'll be starting your first term tomorrow! You'll have to take the train there! Here's a map to help you." Your mother handed you a piece of paper, which had some places-like the college- circled in red pen.

"Tomorrow?! But we have to unpack still!" You panic. "Hey relax kiddo! I'll do the unpacking tomorrow! Just focus on college, alright?" Your mother reassured you, petting your head.

"Alright, I will..." You now realized that you'll have to start all over again. You wanted to be popular like before, but that was going to be a challenge, since you were a different species then the inklings.

Your mother left the room, leaving you to battle with your thoughts. After, you got bored and decided to leave the apartment, wanting to get familiar with the layout of the building.

As you were exploring, you accidentally bumped into someone from behind. Your eyes widen, immediately sputtering out numerous apologies at once. An inkling, with dark blue tentacles, tied back into a ponytail turned around, eying your unfamiliar face.

You studied his facial features. He had dark blue eyes, which matched his dark blue tentacles. His eyebrows were the same colour as his hair. He had a grey, long sleeved shirt underneath a white shirt with an unfamiliar logo on the front of it. He was wearing bicycle shorts, with vertical dark blue lines on the sides of it. He wore purple high-tops. The weird logo was on the shoes also, indicating that they were made from the same company.

You thought he was going to yell at you, but instead he gave a smile, showing off his weird looking teeth. He had two fangs that pointed downwards on his top teeth, like a vampire and one fang in the middle, on his bottom teeth. He also had weird ears, as they jutted out sideways and ended with a point at the tip. Sorta like elf ears, but bigger.

You hoped that he was a male. After all, you didn't want to misgender someone on your first impression. He looked like a male anyways, judging by his thick eyebrows.

You got your answer when he spoke in his language, in a deep, male-like tone. You gave him a confused look, showing that you didn't understand him was clear through your facial expression.

He immediately understood and spoke back. "Oh, I'm sorry! You speak English?" He tilted his head, waiting for a reply. Your jaw dropped. You never knew that they spoke English.

Still shocked, you nodded your head. "That figures! You're a human... And you did say sorry in English, so my bad!" He joked.

You became offended. It was like he was belittling the human race, since they couldn't speak inkling like him. You shot him a look and crossed your arms, proving the point that you were offended by his statement.

He noticed your offended look and blurted out an apology. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to word it that way! It's just that there aren't a lot of humans here, so I assumed that they couldn't understand us..." He gave you an apologetic look and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. Blush formed on his face. It wasn't a red colour like you thought, it was a light blue shade instead.

"It's ok... I'm (y/n) by the way! Just getting the awkward name exchange out of the way!" You held out your hand, gesturing for a handshake. He laughed and shook your hand.

"I'm Blue! It's nice to meet you! Say, you're the new people who just moved in right?" He let go of your hand and pointed towards your apartment door. "Yep! That's me, the new girl in town!" You joked.

He laughed in return, showing off his three fangs in the process. "You're pretty fresh! Say, wanna be friends? I live here also, just one floor below you! We can go do turf wars and chill!" He cooed.

You accepted his offer, after all he might go to your school. "Rad! I'll see you tomorrow at school!- Wait... What college do you go to?" He asked, tilting his head once more.

"Splatter college." You eyed the paper in your grasp, just to make sure you've gotten the name right. "Same here! I can help you on your first day! What do you think?" He asked you. "Of course! You take the train?" You asked. "Yes I do! Maybe I can meet you there at the train stop!" He cooed, excited about tomorrow already.

"Sounds like fun! I'll meet you there!" You smile, feeling excited as well. "Rad! Can I have your number so we can keep in touch?" He blushed a little when he asked you that question.

You shrugged it off and exchanged numbers. "I gotta go! I'll see you tomorrow!" He cooed while stepping inside the elevator. "Bye Blue! It was nice to meet you!" You wave at him. "Bye! It was nice to meet you too!" He cooed before the elevator door closed, blocking your view.

You were happy, you finally made a friend. You couldn't believe your saying this, but you couldn't wait for tomorrow.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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