I know, you remind me every fucking day

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It's Yevgenys 13th birthday! He is having a big sleepover at his dads house. But, his friends are homophobic and one of them starts being disrespectful to Mickey. If you know Mickey you can probably guess what happened next.....

Word count: 2,739

"Shhh. He might hear us!" Ian whispered with his index finger across his top and bottom lip.
"I got this. He's a heavy sleeper, like you." Mickey replied while lighting each candle very carefully.

There were 12 small candles and a big one that said 13 on it on the cake. It was a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. Yev sure does love his chocolate...

It was also about noon and Yev likes to sleep in. Usually they don't let him sleep in that late, but, you know, it's his birthday. He just plays on his phone until 4 or 5 am, then expects to be able to sleep until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Kids these days... Phew....

They entered Yevgenys room really quietly, trying not to wake him up. Mickey and Ian just watched him for a minute. Their little 13 year old laying in a pile of drool. Awe.

Ian's eyes got a little glassy. He sniffled and whispered to his husband, "Look at him." Mickey looked at Ian's teary eyes and smacked him lightly on his arm. "I hope those are tears of fucking sadness cause now he's a fucking teenager and we'll have to feel with all his teenage shit now..." Ian cracked a smile and layed his head on Mickeys shoulder. "I love you." "I know, you remind me every fucking day." Ian smiled and gave his husband a peck on the lips. "Shall we begin?" Ian nods and gets excited of how happy Yev will be. They start singing loudly.

"Happy birthday to--"

"What the fuck!" Yev yelled, interrupting their song and rubbing his eyes.

"Happy birthday dear Yevgeny!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he pulled the sheets over his head.

"Happy birthday to you!"

"Blow out your candles, boy." Mickey said holding the cake closer to Yevs face. He did as told and blew all of them out.
"Dude, ur 13! That's huge!" Ian said playfully pushing at Yevs shoulder.
"What time are your friends getting here?" Ian asked.
"Uhh.. around 2."
Mickey looked at Ian who looked way to excited for his son's birthday. He was kind of fidgeting and had a huge smile.
"Well, we got lots to do! Oh, my god! This is so exiting! Are you excited? Cause I am--"
"Dad." Yevgeny cut him off. "Calm the fuck down. You shouldn't be more excited then me. That's weird as fuck."
Mickey chuckled because it was like Yev read his mind. Ian giggled too and nodded... Then they both left the room and Yev went to go take a shower.

"I told ya," Mickey laughed, "Teenagers."
Ian laughed, too.
"Ima' go to the store and get some snacks, okay?"
"Okay. Don't be long. I'm gunna start making lunch. Love you."
"I love you, too!" Ian yelled as he grabbed the car keys and ran out the door. Mickey smiled to himself and took out a pot for some spaghetti.

Yev was out of the shower and the spaghetti was boiling. They both sat down at the table and tried to have a conversation, without Yevs phone being the main attraction.
"So," Mickey started, "Who's all coming anyway?"
"Umm... Mike, Lewy, Josh, Blake, and Dylan."
"Hmm. Why don't you ever have any girls sleepover?"
Yevs eyebrows raised. "I'm aloud to have girls sleepover?"
"Of course. Why wouldn't you?"
"Um, I don't know. Because, like, what if we, like, you know.... fuck."
That made Mickey laugh a little.
"Well you are 13, so you should be fucking soon anyway. Plus, how do I know you're not fucking ur guy friends?" He asked kind of in a funny voice. But it made Yev cringe. He didn't mean to say it, but it just slipped out.

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