Feild trip to our house

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A/N none of the photos or characters are mine they all belong to their rightful owners. The only this I own is my OC's that might appear in the story.

Summary: Peters the biological son of pepper and Tony Stark, Mj is the adopted daughter of Natasha and Wanda. Ships are spiderfrost, Shuri x Mj, hawksilver, Scarletwidow, Tony x pepper. Trans peter.

I woke up to the sound of an alarm, and once I got up it turned off knowing that it was Friday waking me up. "Hey, Friday what time is it" "it's 6:30 am right now mini-boss" Fri then replied I still haven't found out how Shuri got Friday to call me mini-boss. I then quickly got into the shower since it was Monday and I had school.

        Once I was finished in the shower I got ready I first put on my underwear and my custom made spider-man themed binder. After that, I got dressed in a dull red and black plaid button-up shirt with a dark blue sweater over it I then put on black jeans. And my combat boots with a hidden knife in each one that my aunt/second mother gave me as a Christmas gift she also got her daughter matching ones.

         After that, I fix my hair by gelling it back and I grabbed my phone and backpack with all my school stuff, SI* badge and Spider-Man suit in it. The suit was in a secret pocket tho. I then walked out of my room and met up with my fav cousin Mj, "yo Pete did you take your T-shot today" she asked while we headed to the kitchen. "Yea I did Mj" I answered I then sat down next to my boyfriend Loki, Thor's brother, he also goes to school with me and mj.

         Tho nobody knows that we're related to the avengers because nobody knows what the Starks child looks like or what the Scarlet witch and the black widow's adopted Daughter looks like. And Loki goes by a different name same with me and mj tho we keep our first name and I changed my last name and mj went with her old name.

         Loki changed his appearance slightly to so he looks like a teen, he also goes by the name Tom Hiddleston. I go by the name Peter Parker and mj goes by Michelle Jones. Once we reached the kitchen I sat down next to Loki across from dad while mj sat In-between her mothers. After an amazing breakfast made by uncle Steve, we headed downstairs where happy was waiting to drive us to school.

       He dropped us off a little ways from the school so people wouldn't notice us all getting out of the same car together. We then split up once we got into the school each of us going to our own lockers. I met up with Ned at my locker at once my stuff was put away me and him headed off to our first class.

        The only time all four of us could be together though was during lunch, so once lunchtime finally came around I was excited. Because all of us could finally catch up on what was happening since mj and I haven't seen Loki in awhile since he's been busy helping his brother on Asgard. So well all planned to hang out soon and have a Star Wars movie marathon though we only need one more to agree and that would be Shuri.

         The princess of Wakanda also known as mj girlfriend and my science buddy. We're like the next-gen of the science bro's which was started by my father and uncle Bruce. She's also part of the meme team which is me, Loki, and Shuri.

Time skip

       It was now the last period of school and flash my main bully hasn't really bothered me that much today which was quite surprising. I mean he's called me penis Parker multiple times today but I'm used to that, at least he hasn't called me a girl or gotten physical today. My last class of the day I had with mj and Ned and it was our science class.

      Our class today was pretty boring since I already knew everything because my uncle Bruce and dad had already taught me all this and more. Finally class was over and I was about to stand up and leave when the teacher stopped us "hold up everyone I have an important announcement to make" Mr.Smith said. Multiple kids groaned while sitting back down "now this Friday our class will be going on a very special field trip to a very important place so I need all of you to grab a permission slip before you leave and you need to turn it in before Friday or you won't be able to go on this trip" they said.

       We all then headed up to Mr.Smith's desk and each one of us grabbed a slip and left class. After I grabbed my stuff I said goodbye to Ned and that I'd text him later before heading off with Loki, and mj we walked down away from the school before getting picked up by happy. Once we got home Loki and I headed to my room to do our homework together and mj went to hers to both do her homework and to text her girlfriend.

A few hours I was done while Loki was finishing his up when mj came into my room. "Yo losers Shuri is coming over on Friday so will be able to have our movie marathon/sleepover after the trip," she said. "Ok well, we should probably get our slips signed," I said while leaving my room to get mine signed by dad and to work in my lab. While mj probably went to мама паук* otherwise known as Aunt Nat and to train so more since she's probably gonna become the next black widow.

And Loki just used his own magic to forged his fake parent's signature, I went to my dad because he's better at forging signatures then mom and Aunt Nat is probably the best at it since she used to be a spy.

* мама паук means mama spider, not sure this is really correct I just used google translate if it's wrong please say so in the comments.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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